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04/04/07 6:43 AM

#542036 RE: Bruce A Thompson #542032

Jay Leno "forgets" a simple fact.
This "president" is not responsible what we all have to be thankful for.
This "president" seems to be working hard to take some of our freedoms away though.

So,according to Jay Leno on account of a flat screen TV we should not be unhappy with an ID chip planted in our body or Oil companies taking us for a ride etc?...How mich is he being paid for thinking???
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TJ Parker

04/04/07 7:46 AM

#542039 RE: Bruce A Thompson #542032


that's silly. the media has been trailing public opinion since 2001, not leading it. and public opinion began to swing after the disgraceful government conduct following katerina. a strong leader or a petulant bully ... public opinion changes fast. but losing the city of new orleans isn't quite balanced by saving us from something that didn't happen.

good luck in your fight, zeev.

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04/04/07 8:11 AM

#542044 RE: Bruce A Thompson #542032

Jay doesn't get it, at least from my perspective. He is not looking at the idiots in the Fed government that are making decisions that will drive this country to 3rd world status, not in terms of infrastructure but in terms of economic and social breakdown. We need leadership that can provide a vision for the future that addresses real education reform to compete in the global enconomy, reduced energy dependence (30+ years to do something and where have gone? nowhere), incentives for folks to become less dependent on the gov, income disparity,..... I believe the Fed gov has taking the easy route, to which they control the Armed Services, by starting a war that is ecomomically driven whether its the influence our country's future oil needs or in support of the US war machine (don't under estimate the power that these folks have on helping set foreign policy. Many of these folks are ex-military). -Q
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04/04/07 8:35 AM

#542050 RE: Bruce A Thompson #542032

This is the only way I could respond, and I take responsibility for these comments. It is true that I am liberal on most issues, and would never vote for Bush. But the reason most people are unhappy with this administration is that it America once stood for the hope of mankind. This country has always led in the issues of the day, I keep trying to explain to my own children how hard it was for my parents during the Great Depression, I am from New York City. They reminded me that when times were hard we all sacrificed, well its now the 21st century and the issues have changed again, but I cannot see everyone sacrificing. The world use to look to us gor guidance, now we have become despised in many parts of the world. As the world becomes more connected we should be reaching out to everyone to bridge out differences, the same wat this Great Country of ours has bridged the differences of the many nationalities that live here. Instead we have a President who wants to lead this country and the world in a confrontation that can only lead us into more confrontations. There must be a better way of bridging the differences of the world without the advent of a military, and that is what Americans expect of their leaders.

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04/04/07 8:42 AM

#542051 RE: Bruce A Thompson #542032

Jay should be happy with having toilet paper and stop there...
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04/04/07 8:58 AM

#542055 RE: Bruce A Thompson #542032

May be the unhappy ones can start migrating to BRIC countries.
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04/04/07 3:31 PM

#542172 RE: Bruce A Thompson #542032

OT: Jay Leno my butt!

I'm not a Jay Leno fan but after reading this, my respect and esteem for him has really increased.<<<

Hi Bruce,
Well, it seems that your newfound respect and esteem for Jay Leno is totally unwarranted!

Iow, you've been had..... it's a hoax, Bruce!

Methinks you should take the time to check out the stuff you get via email before posting it. DUH!