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04/04/07 3:54 AM

#19675 RE: Raglanroadie #19674

Raglan, ". . .rum, sodomy, and the lash." I did not know (still don't), but it googles up immense. On the first page of more than 10 pages of citations is one that says the words were NOT uttered by a person to whom they are widely attributed. Big help <g>.

Anyone wanting to follow that thread, google as follows, using the quotes: "rum, sodomy, and the lash".

Still OT: Last night I lay awake considering a possible tactic to frustrate an imminent Crossing the T. One of you ex-SWOs out there tell me what I'm missing, please.

In the threatened column behind the lead ship, the first ship steers 45 degrees to starboard, the next ship steers 45 degrees to port, and so forth down the line of capital ships. After reaching an appropriate distance from the lead vessel, all of them resume their original courses. Given that the Crossing should have been detected well before the enemy opens fire, the threatened column would likely multiply its effective firepower many times.

Not that it matters any longer.