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04/03/07 9:26 PM

#67483 RE: plastipunk #67482

I understand now why the other political board doesn't want you Libs there. Mean people s*ck
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04/03/07 10:12 PM

#67489 RE: plastipunk #67482

The crimes of Bill Clinton, including his involvement with the Mena drug smuggling by the CIA and others, and the cover-ups.

they are all crooks and war mongers and sickos! or didn't you know that??
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04/03/07 10:18 PM

#67490 RE: plastipunk #67482

Michael Ruppert from confronts Bill Clinton's CIA Director John Deutch about the CIA's involvement in cocaine smuggling

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04/03/07 10:25 PM

#67491 RE: plastipunk #67482

A Witness List for House Hearings on Volume II of the CIA's Inspector General's Report on CIA Drug Trafficking

Expect Closed Door Hearings in June or July, 1998

Can the Government Handle The Truth?

Is Your Name Here?

© Copyright 1999, Michael C. Ruppert. & From The Wilderness Publications at . All Rights Reserved. Permission to reprint for non-commercial purposes only if the preceding appears.

[This list of witnesses originally appeared in the February issue of From The Wilderness for subscribers only. It has caused quite a stir and, since the surprise (May, 25) closed door hearings on CIA drug trafficking in Los Angeles in the wake of our May cover story, it is a yardstick against which the coming cover up can be graded. Does the government even care to be credible any more?]


Unlike a court of law, which relies on specific charges, Congress, whose only mandate is to serve the people, may take any issue and go forwards or backwards in time. It may go sideways and change directions. It may call any witnesses it chooses in its efforts to decide what laws to write for the benefit of those it serves, The People.

Volume II of the CIA's Inspector General's report took Congress to the CIA's house. It showed the dead body of its admissions regarding drug trafficking lying bloody in the open doorway. If Congress serves the people it will now enter the house and look around. It will press charges and it will see that criminals are punished for their crimes. It will pass laws designed to make sure that these crimes never happen again.

Use these 143 names as a report card to see what Congress' will really is and who it really serves. Volume II is not closed until the House Intelligence Committee holds hearings. Your calls, letters and e-mails to make those hearings complete and well covered are having a serious impact. Let's see what you can do with this.

"Bo" Abbot - Former CIA/Air America pilot who has openly admitted to having flown drugs for the Agency on CIA aircraft. Now resides is Southwest U.S.

Elliot Abrams - Former Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American affairs. Oversaw Nicaraguan Humanitarian Assistance Office for Oliver North and delivered subsidies to firms like Setco and Frigorificos de Puntarenas which CIA Volume II admits were dealing drugs. Worked with Albert Carone who was North's, Casey's and Bush's paymaster and bagman with the Mafia.

Lt. Col. Albert Adame - Deputy Commander Mil(itary Advisory) Group El Salvador. Discussed CIA drug ops with DEA Agent Cele Castillo.

Richard Armitage - Assistant Secretary of Defense, East Asia (1981-83), Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (1983-1988). CIA operator dating back to Vietnam where he assisted in the drug trade under Ted Shackley. Oversaw key DoD Contra support operations during the Reagan Administration for CIA, Shackley and Bush. Labeled, "My white son" by Colin Powell in 1995.

Brad Ayers - Former CIA and DEA agent, found cocaine residue in military, CIA and Contra connected aircraft in Florida. Hounded into hiding and nearly killed for reporting same.

Randy Beasley - Former DEA agent. Made a futile attempt to arrest Barry Seal in 1983. The case was shut down by the government

Gary Betzner - Former drug pilot for Jorge Morales who began using Ilopnago and Ft. Lauderdale Executive airport for drug and gun runs after being approached by John Hull.

Oscar Danilo Blandon - The primary California dealer from the Gary Webb stories. Still operating as informant for US Gov't. to this day. Had documented CIA & government connections, some still classified. Ricky Ross' primary supplier.

Jack Blum - Former Chief investigator for the Kerry Subcommittee which examined the Contra drug connections in the 1980s. Testified before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) in late 1996 and stated, "We don't have to investigate. We already know."

William R. Bode - Special Assistant to Undersecretary of State for Security Assistance (Schneider), Science and Technology who allegedly used his office to recruit contractors (including Gene Wheaton) for air support and other operations on behalf of the CIA and NSC. These included air contractors who flew drugs. According to Bo Gritz had heavy Arkansas connections

Richard Brenneke - Portland arms dealer and CIA asset who worked with Israeli Mossad agents and Manuel Noriega to run a guns/drugs pipeline. Met with Geo. Bush's national security adviser Donald Gregg.

Jose Bueso-Rosa - Honduran General and rabid contra supporter. A major drug trafficker on whose behalf Oliver North interceded to protect "National Security" information.

George Bush - As Vice President, was placed in control of all national security operations by Reagan National Security Decision Directives 2 & 3. Received special briefings from CIA on drug trafficking by Contra operators. Had staff members including Donald Gregg and Col. Douglas Menarchik turn up heavily in connection with drug investigations and trafficking by CIA assets and agents.

Randy Capister - CIA covert operations chief for Central America. Worked under Alan Fiers, Clair George and "Dewey" Clarridge.

Floyd Carlton - Panamanian drug trafficker who used CIA contractor DIACSA as a cover. Ran drugs while receiving State Department subsidies. Witness against Manuel Noriega.

Frank Carlucci - Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (DDCI) 1978-1981. Deputy Secretary of Defense 1981-2. Reagan National Security Adviser 1987-1989.

Rafael Caro-Quintero - Cartel level trafficker in Guadalajara Mexico. Ran Contra training camp in Vera Cruz. Involved in the 1985 murder of DEA agent "Kiki" Camarena.

Carlos Cabezas - Drug dealer/money launderer mentioned by Gary Webb and Cele Castillo. Can deliver names dates, places of cash deliveries to Contras from Meneses organization. Operated as FBI informant while dealing drugs at least through 1991.

Celerino Castillo - Senior DEA field agent for El Salvador and Honduras. Documented CIA and NSC flights at Ilopango airfield in El Salvador and reported same directly to Ambassador Edwin Corr and Vice President George Bush. Was told by Corr, "Leave it alone. It's a White House operation."

CEO, Evergreen Air - the mother of all CIA proprietary airlines and air operations since the demise of Air America.

Duane "Dewey" Clarridge - Chief of CIA Contra support operations from 1982 to 1984. Met regularly with Noriega, Morales and other traffickers. Convicted of seven counts of perjury during Iran-Contra trials and later pardoned by George Bush.

Tom Clines - Retired CIA Deputy under former Laos and Saigon Station Chief Ted Shackley. Convicted during Iran-Contra of tax evasion in connection with various schemes involving Shackley, Richard Secord and Carl Jenkins. Part of Contra supply network linked to CIA drug trafficking as far back as 1965 and through the CIA/Panamanian Watchtower missions in 1975-7.

Hillary Rodham Clinton - Senior partner in Rose law firm which negotiated many secret CIA contracts at the Mena airport for various tenants including members of the Hubbell family.

Roger Clinton - Brother of William Jefferson Clinton. Recovering cocaine addict. Involved with sales of cocaine.

William Jefferson Clinton - Governor of Arkansas during heavy and admitted CIA covert ops during Contra war. Received numerous reports of drug trafficking at Mena airport and was allegedly involved.

Edwin Corr - Ambassador to El Salvador during the Contra war. Received many reports of CIA drug trafficking. Told Cele Castillo it was a White House operation. Reportedly now teaching at the University of Oklahoma.

Rene Corvo - Miami Cuban, CIA asset dating back to the Bay of Pigs. Involved in Contra weapons shipments, drugs bombings, assassinations and many other all-American activities.

Sam Dalton - New Orleans attorney who subpoenaed the CIA regarding Barry Seal.

Doc Delaughter - Investigator for Arkansas Organized Crime Drug Task Force aimed at Dan Lasater that was shut down when they started getting close to Governor Bill Clinton.

John Deutch - Former CIA Director who promised a full, complete and open investigation.

Bill Duncan - IRS investigator who was the first to start investigations of Mena airport. Uncovered links to Arkansas banking and financial executives including Dan Lasater, Bill Clinton and the CIA. Ruthlessly suppressed.

John Duffy - Former San Diego Co. Sheriff and Reagan supporter of the Contra war effort. Mentioned by several sources as protecting CIA criminal operations in San Diego County.

Gary Eitel - Vietnam Vet, former CIA pilot, attorney and whistleblower. Aware of CIA drug ops in Mena dating back to 1972 and massive CIA movement of military aircraft into the drug trade. Special Independent Counsel in CIA C-130 case still pending.

Janice Elmore - Political (CIA) Officer, U.S. Embassy El Salvador. Routinely met with Salvadoran military and political leaders and allegedly used sexual liaisons to gather intelligence and protect drug operations.

Joe Neville Evans - One of Barry Seal's boys operating out of Mena.

Jeffrey Feldman - Ass't. U.S. Attorney in South Florida. Allegedly helped quash investigations leading to George Bush, Rene Corvo and John Hull.

Dee Ferdinand - Daughter of Col. Albert Vincent Carone. CIA bagman and paymaster for Ollie North, George Bush, Bill Casey. Possesses bank records and hard documents including a tape recording leading to George Bush.

Joseph Fernandez - CIA station Chief in Costa Rica. Debriefed one trafficker, Moises Nunez and cabled headquarters that Nunez was working for North.

Alan Fiers - Head of CIA's Central American Task Force during the Reagan years.

Bob Fletcher - Had his private toy company stolen by North/Casey associates Gary Best, Heinie Aderholt and John Singlaub. Witness in Cristic suit. Turned investigator and has since unearthed major documents incriminating Oliver North and others.

John Ford III - Long time CIA attorney connected to covert and proprietary air operations. Heavy in court documents linking CIA to embezzled C-130 aircraft. Active during Contra years and allegedly 100 per cent knowledgeable about CIA drug operations. Now a senior attorney for Pacific Gas and Electric in San Francisco in the same building as former U.S. Attorney Joseph Russoniello. Also connected to large numbers of C-130s moved by the CIA into the drug trade referenced in U.S. vs. Roy Reagan (1998).

Vaughn Forrest - Aide to Congressman Bill McCollum, travelling companion to Oliver North aide Rob Owen, friend of Oliver North (mentioned in his diaries) and was present in John Hull's home the day of the La Penca bombing targeting Eden Pastora.

Daryl Francis Gates - Retired LAPD Chief. Knows of CIA connections to LAPD and other law enforcement agencies through various links including the Narcotics Intelligence Network. (Boy would I like to question this one!)

Robert Gates - CIA intelligence executive under Bill Casey. Later served as Director of Central Intelligence for President George Bush.

Clair George - CIA Deputy Director of Operations (DDO) 1984-88,

J. Porter Goss - Republican Congressman from So. Florida. Chair of the House Intelligence committee (HPSCI) charged with conducting hearings on Volume II. Retired CIA case officer who worked in South Florida with Shackley, Clines and Wilson. (Can you say "Conflict of Interest?")

Lee Grasheim - CIA contract operative, part-time spook associate - military hardware salesman, alleged drug and weapons trafficker in El Salvador. Connected to Contra supply efforts by Judge Lawrence Walsh. Investigated by DEA, arrested and had his house raided. Connected to a plane crash involving drugs in Florida. Mentioned in Ollie North's diaries.

Donald P. Gregg - National Security Adviser to Vice President George Bush. Mentioned ubiquitously in every published work on Contra drug trafficking.

Lt. Col. James "Bo"Gritz - POW activist returned from Southeast Asia with a videotape of opium warlord Khun Sa implicating Shackley, Armitage, Clines and other CIA personnel in the drug trade.

Ramon Guillen-Davilla - Venezuelan General indicted just days after CIA Director John Deutch left Los Angeles in 1996 for smuggling 22 tons of cocaine into the U.S. Guillen is an acknowledged CIA asset/agent and was storing the cocaine in a CIA warehouse.

Woody Grantham - Longtime associate with CIA air contract and proprietary operations. Connected to last service of Barry Seal's C 123 Fat Lady, which was shot down over Nicaragua in 1986. Current owner of T&G airfreight (Arizona) which has received C-130s laundered by CIA through the Forest Service. One, leased/sold by Grantham caught with millions of dollars worth of coke on board in Mexico City in 1995.

Chico Guirola - DEA listed trafficker/smuggler connected to CIA and Contra operations by DEA agent Cele Castillo.

Mike Harrari - Israeli Mossad agent closely connected to CIA drug operations in Panama dating back to Watchtower in 1976. Security adviser to Manuel Noriega. Mentioned in Ollie North's diaries. Associate of North, Casey and Bush. Alleged to have died from heart attack in 1998 - not confirmed.

Frederick P. Hitz - CIA Inspector General who directed the investigations in Volumes I & II after the Gary Webb stories of 1996.

Ed Heath - Former DEA Supervisory Special Agent who monitored CIA drug related operations during the Contra years and later served as head of the El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC) which handles all intelligence for drug related matters.

Martha Honey - Along with husband Tony Avirgan (wounded in the La Penca bombing) was an original plaintiff in the Cristic suit. Investigative reporter and now at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C .

Rick Horn - Senior DEA field agent. Now leading a class action suit against CIA for interference in recent drug investigations in Burma.

Web Hubbell - Lawyer, partner in Rose law firm, former Assistant Attorney General for President Clinton. Negotiated CIA contract for multiple tenants at Mena airport including the firm Park-On-Meter, directly tied to illegal weapons manufacturing for the Contras.

John Hull - One of the biggest CIA/NSC players during the Contra war. Indicted by Coast Rica for drug smuggling and

Neutrality Act violations Hull escaped on a DEA plane. Close to North, Bush, Quayle and Rob Owen. Reportedly used his ranch in Nicaragua and surrounding areas for drug flights into the U.S.

Admiral Bobby Ray Inman - Retired head of National Security Agency. Deputy Director of Central Intelligence 1981-2. Member of the Board of Directors of the Fluor Corporation where "retired CIA Deputy Director Bill Nelson met with Ron Lister who was connected to the Blandon drug organization, the CIA and North.

Carl Jenkins - Retired CIA Deputy Director of Operations. Among other things attempted to recruit retired Army CID Agent Gene Wheaton to help set up dummy airlines which would later be used for drug and weapons smuggling.

Leon Kellner - U.S. Attorney for South Florida. Jeff Feldman's boss. Went out of his way, in concert with William Weld to crush investigations leading to North, Bush and the White House.

Joseph Kelso - Freelance investigator/informant who revealed DEA corruption in Costa Rica which connected to CIA. Gave a 3 volume deposition in Avirgan v. Hull in So. Florida. Yet also turns up connected to CIA laundering of C-130 aircraft through the Forest Service (see Dec. issue).

Senator John Kerry - Chaired Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Operations of the Committee on Foreign Relations in 1986-8 (The Kerry Committee), produced voluminous evidence of CIA complicity in drug trafficking.

Peter Kornbluh - Administrator, National Security Archives where many important documents, including Ollie's diaries, CIA & DEA reports are stored. Has written and conducted extensive research on Iran-Contra.

Dan Lasater - Arkansas crony of Bill Clinton who allegedly called the CIA coke "Lasater's thing." Junk bond king from Little Rock reported to have laundered millions in cocaine profits for the Clinton's and others.

Michael Ledeen - NSC staffer close to North and Bud McFarlane.

Carlos Lehder-Rivas - Co-founder of the Medellin cartel which gave money to the Contras and assisted North and Bush. Imprisoned in 1988 and recently released. One of the Chief witnesses against Manuel Noriega. Now residing in the Bahamas and reportedly back in business.

Mike Levine - Retired DEA. Former Country Attaché in Argentina. Witnessed CIA sponsored cocaine coup in Bolivia. Author, radio host, expert witness.

Ron Lister - Former Laguna Beach police officer who worked with Danillo Blandon and the Ricky Ross organization. Delivered guns to gangs and also met with retired CIA DDO Bill Nelson at the Fluor Corporation.

Eric von Marbod - Lifelong associate of Armitage, Shackley, Clines, et al. Vietnam hand connected to CIA/Laotian heroin. Protégé of Henry Kissinger. Ran Defense Security Assistance Agency for the Pentagon in the Reagan years, which provided cover for a multitude of covert ops connected to the Contras and other activities. Linked by Bo Gritz to drug trafficking and abandonment of POWs.

Dave MacMichael- Retired CIA case officer. Founder of Association of National Security Alumni. Lecturer/writer. Outspoken critic of CIA covert operations.

John Mattes - Former Federal Public defender who represented Jesus Garcia on weapons charges connected to the Contras. Uncovered links to George Bush's aide Col. Douglas Menarchik.

Traveled to Central America on investigations and suffered repercussions. Later served as an attorney for the Kerry Committee.

Juan Ramon Matta-Ballesteros - Honduran cartel level trafficker connected to the Contras. Moved four tons of cocaine per month into the U.S. through CIA connected firms like Setco, which he owned. Imprisoned in 1989 as CIA shifted allegiances from the Medellin to the Cali cartel. Now in prison in Colorado.

Col. Douglas Menarchik - National Security aide to George Bush whose private phone number turned up in the possession of a Contra gun runner connected to drugs.

Norwin Meneses - Supplier of Danillo Blandon. Long time CIA asset. Major Nicaraguan political heavyweight who always escaped US prosecution and arrest. Now serving time in a resort country club prison in Central America where he still exerts great influence.

Jack McCavett - CIA station chief El Salvador.

Rep. Bill McCollum (FL) - Longtime CIA friend associated with Bill Casey. Connected to the recruitment of Gene Wheaton to set up dummy airlines for gun/drug smuggling. Also connected to the Knights of Malta, a secret order used to launder money during the era. McCollum's aide Vaughn Forrest was with John Hull in Costa Rica the day of the La Penca bombing.

Prof. Alfred W. McCoy (University of Wisconsin, Madison) - Author: The Politics of Heroin. World recognized expert, professor and author who has been researching CIA complicity in the global drug trade since the early 1970's.

John McMahon - Retired CIA Deputy Director bypassed by the likes of Dewey Clarridge and North. A so-called "moderate" who Bill Casey ignored in his conduct of illegal drug and guns operations during the era.

Robert "Bud" McFarlane - National Security Adviser to President Reagan. Oliver North's boss. Indicted over Iran-Contra issues not related to drugs.

Ralph McGehee - Retired CIA case officer, outspoken CIA critic and publisher of CIA-Base. Created a publicly available database of CIA dirty tricks including drug running.

Ed Meese - Reagan's second Attorney general who handled the Iran-Contra affair. Covered up evidence of CIA drug trafficking and other crimes.

Rick Messick - Former aide to Senator Richard Lugar who reportedly leaked sensitive documents from the Kerry Committee to Oliver North and other Reagan officials.

Ramon Milian-Rodriguez - Accountant for the Medellin cartel who testified to administering $10 million plus in "donations" for the Contras.

Jorge Morales - Convicted Colombian drug smuggler, Florida playboy connected to Geo. Bush who testified to shipping guns to Contras in exchange for drugs and protection from American law enforcement investigations.

Frank Moss - American pilot. Partner with Matta in Setco

Mario Murga - DEA and CIA informant for Celerino Castillo. Identified aircraft with black crosses on their tails as being CIA drug and weapons flights.

Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega - Long time CIA asset and colleague of George Bush before his ouster in Operation Just Cause in 1989. Former dictator of Panama, the money laundering capital for the drug trade and prime transshipment point for a variety of CIA cargoes. Allied with the Medellin cartel. Now serving a prison sentence.

Oliver North - There aren't enough words and I couldn't print them all anyway!

Rob Owen - Preppie aide to Ollie North and courier/messenger who traveled throughout Central and Latin America. Hand picked from the staff of Indiana Senator Dan Quayle of Indiana which is also the home state of John Hull.

Michael Palmer - Pilot and drug smuggling operator of CIA contractor Vortex, heavily referenced in Volume II.

Col. Nestor Pino - U.S. Army Special Warfare expert connected to Bo Gritz, William Bode, Richard Armitage and Erich Von Marbod. Involved in Contra supply drug operations reportedly connected to drugs.

Ross Perot - Texas billionaire and longtime POW activist known to have heavy intelligence and political contacts. Reportedly backed Richard Armitage into a corner over Armitage's alleged connections to drug trafficking, gambling and POW abandonment in 1986.

Adm. John Poindexter - National Security Adviser to President Reagan. Oliver North's boss when Iran-Contra broke.

Tom Posey - Founded Civilian Military Assistance, a cutout Contra support operation. Connected to Hull, Calero, Frank Chanes, North, Owen and the attempts to silence Jack Terrell and murder Eden Pastora.

Gen. Colin Powell - Senior Pentagon official who oversaw much of the weapons transfers to Iran and out of Pentagon into private hands. Calls Richard Armitage his "white son."

Rafael "Chi-Chi" Quintero - Cuban born assassin and long time CIA operative known to have worked for Ted Shackley, Tom Clines and Ed Wilson. Heavily involved in Contra support operations including, according to Contra pilot Michael Tolliver, the coordination of drug flights. Known associate of Casey, Bush, North bagman and drug money launderer, Albert Carone.

CEO, The RAND Corporation - On acquisition and sharing of data from UCLA's NPI and other sources with the Central Intelligence Agency.

Roy Reagan - Aircraft broker, longtime CIA associate convicted in 1998 of defrauding the government in a scheme to steal C-130's from the Forest Service, move them through CIA proprietary Evergreen Air facilities and into the drug trade. Some C-130's moved through Mena, AK. Most turned up overseas doing anything but fighting fires.

Terry Reed - CIA contract pilot trained and handled by Barry Seal and Oliver North. Exposed direct CIA drug connections at Mena airport and connections between George Bush and Governor Bill Clinton. Framed for insurance fraud when he refused to go along with drug smuggling ops.

Oliver "Buck" Revell - Former Assistant Director of the FBI. Part of Terrorist Incident Working Groups (TIWGs) in the NSC under Bush. Very close to Ollie North. Responsible for harassment of Contra drug witnesses and the cover-up of criminal conduct leading into the White House.

Win Richardson - Former analyst and mid manager of E-Systems near Dallas. Documented cocaine flights on E Systems aircraft. E-Systems is a major defense contractor with former CIA Director William Raborn on the Board.

Mike Riconosciouto - CIA computer expert tied to various illegal CIA covert ops including reprogramming of PROMIS software and drug trafficking through Mena Arkansas.

Glenn Robinette - Security officer for North and Secord's Enterprise. DC Private investigator and retired CIA operative used by Oliver North to harass and intimidate key witnesses including Jack Terrell and the Cristic Institute.

Felix Rodriguez - (a.k.a. Max Gomez) Longtime CIA hand from the Bay of Pigs era. Connected to drug running and covert military operations. A major CIA player who ran operations at Ilopnago Hangars 4 & 5 where DEA agent Cele Castillo documented drug flights. Involved in 1998 delivery of U.S. helicopters to Mexico to "fight" the drug war.

Ricky Ross - Celebrated dealer of the Dark Alliance series. Labeled the king of crack cocaine by the L.A. Times. Started the crack cocaine epidemic receiving CIA protected shipments of cocaine. Now serving an undetermined sentence after life sentence overturned.

Don Richardson - Political Officer (CIA) U.S. Embassy El Salvador. Knew of drug operations sanctioned/protected by the Agency and ordered by the White House.

Jimmy Rothstein - Retired NYPD Detective. Knew Al Carone. Has openly detailed CIA drug involvement through NYPD for decades as well as the targeting of African Americans for CIA heroin shipped via the French Connection and the Prince of the City cases. Has hard documents linking CIA to rental of facilities for drug dealers connected to the Agency.

Mike Ruppert - former LAPD narcotics investigator from CIA connected family. Eyewitness to a CIA agent arranging drug shipments in 1976-7. Writer, lecturer and expert witness on the subject of CIA drug trafficking.

Joseph Russoniello - Former Assistant US Attorney in San Francisco, labeled by CIA as "most deferential" to their interests. Quashed the "Frogman" investigations connected to Norwin Meneses. Represented defendants in CIA's embezzlement of C-130 aircraft in U.S. v. Reagan. Now occupies offices in the same building as John Ford in the headquarters building of PG&E in San Francisco.

Dr. David Sabow, MD - Brother of Marine Col. Jim Sabow who was murdered after discovering C-130s with Forest Service markings flying cocaine onto El Toro Marine Air Station in 1991. Col. Sabow's death was ruled a suicide in spite of forensic evidence proving murder. Sabow, who was hounded by the Marines, can offer additional information relevant to CIA drug trafficking.

George Schultz - Secretary of State for Ronald Reagan

Peter Dale Scott - Professor, UC Berkeley, author of Cocaine Politics. Recognized expert on CIA involvement in cocaine trafficking.

Richard Secord - Retired AF General tied to CIA drug operations from the Vietnam era. Longtime associate of Ted Shackley, Tom Clines, Ed Wilson and Richard Armitage. Caught embezzling funds from government contracts through EATSCO. Heavily involved in Contra supply operations with Oliver North.

Ted Shackley - Retired Associate Deputy Director of Operations at CIA. Hired by CIA in 1951 and rose to power in anti-Castro efforts Mongoose and JM-WAVE in So. Florida in the early 1960s. Perhaps the strongest continuous thread in the history of CIA drug dealing. Former Station Chief in Laos and Saigon. ADDO under CIA Director George Bush in 1976 and heavily involved in Iran-Contra. Still active in the intelligence community.

Ronald Siegel, PhD - Pioneer researcher on crack cocaine at UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute (NPI). Traveled to South America several times in late 70-early 80s. Expert on the addictiveness of the drug and UCLA connections to RAND and the CIA.

John Singlaub - Retired Army general and rabid anti-Communist. Heavily involved in illegal weapons supplies for the Contras, many of which were purchased with drug monies. An essential part of The Enterprise and front man for Contra support activities.

Stanley Sporkin - retired General Counsel for the CIA during the Casey years. Now a sitting United Stated District Court Judge in

Washington, D.C. (The e-mails used to read "To Stanley from Ollie.")

Kenneth Starr - Former special assistant to Reagan Attorney General William French-Smith who knew about, and helped author the infamous memorandum removing CIA's responsibility for reporting drug trafficking by its agents and contract employees.

Col. James Steel - Commander Mil Group El Salvador. Principal liaison between the military and Felix Rodriguez and Oliver North for operations at Ilopango airfield and throughout El Salvador.

John H. Stein - CIA Deputy Director of Operations (DDO) from July 1981 - June 1984.

James Robert Strauss - Bagman and laundry man for cocaine profits through organized crime to support a variety of missions including POW rescue efforts. Partner of Col. Albert Carone whose daughter, Dee Ferdinand, has a tape of Strauss acknowledging that the CIA operations known as Amadeus were run by George Bush. Travel records indicate heavy international travel to launder cocaine funds for the Agency, Bill Casey and the NSC.

Lewis Tambs - U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica. Planned victim of alleged assassination attempt by John Hull, CIA and Ollie North. Opposed transfer of C-130s from Australia to South America for use in the drug trade.

Dois G. "Chip" Tatum - CIA operative and pilot who participated in CIA covert operations, assassinations and drug missions. Claims direct connections and meeting with George Bush and Bill Clinton during the Contra era. Claims to possess hard documents, tape recordings and other evidence connecting to Israeli Mossad officials and CIA executives including Ted Shackley and William Casey. Whereabouts unknown.

George Tenet - Current Director of Central Intelligence who supervised the declassification of Volume II of Inspector General Fred Hitz's 1997 investigation.

Jack Terrell - Self-styled mercenary who became the chief witness in the Cristic lawsuit. Began working for Tom Posey's CMA and became exposed to drug operations at Ilopnago in El Salvador and John Hull's ranch in Costa Rica. Became an obsession of North, Hull, Robinette and Owen. Prosecuted and hounded on trumped up weapons charges.

Bill Tyree - Former U.S. Army Special Forces troop involved in CIA drug operations in Panama (Watchtower) dating back to 1976-7 under the Directorship of George Bush. Eyewitness and participant to drug exchanges involving CIA and Manuel Noriega. Wrongly framed and convicted for the murder of his own wife in 1979, Tyree is now plaintiff in a $63 million suit against the CIA, George Bush and Bill Clinton. An invaluable source.

Vang Pao - Southeast Asian Hmong opium warlord who commanded a CIA Army in Laos for Ted Shackley and the CIA. Heavily involved in the opium trade. Relocated to Montana after the Vietnam War where there are currently numerous allegations of CIA drug smuggling.

Director, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute (NPI) - On relationships and connections with the RAND Corporation, CIA and research into addictive qualities of crack cocaine and other drugs.

Frederico Vaughan- Nicaraguan Sandinista official involved in alleged drug sting manufactured by Oliver North.

Lupita Vega - The only Salvadoran national working for the Mil Group with above Top Secret clearances in El Salvador. Handled coded traffic and communications regarding drug flights.

Judge Lawrence Walsh - Special Independent Counsel for Iran-Contra. Received voluminous information about drug trafficking and decided it was not within his mandate to do anything about it. As a private attorney in the early 80s obtained End User Certificates for Richard Secord's Eatsco airfreight company.

Gary Webb - The Pulitzer Prize winning reporter and author of Dark Alliance who got us into all this mess again. (Thank God!)

Judge William Webster - Former FBI Director. Appointed CIA Director after Bill Casey's death in 1987. Presided over the cover-up at CIA.

Scott Weekly - Annapolis classmate of Oliver North. Friend of Bo Gritz. Covert operations specialist and weapons expert. Described heavily in Gary Webb's Dark Alliance. Linked to drug and weapons trafficking in Southern California through Ron Lister.

Casper Weinberger - Reagan Secretary of Defense. Responsible when large numbers of military personnel, especially Green Beret's, were used on drug connected missions. Also oversaw diversion of military aircraft, personnel and resources into drug missions run by the CIA.

Russel Welch - Arkansas State Investigator who was one of the first to uncover CIA drug smuggling at the Mena airport and connections to Bill Clinton. Ruthlessly suppressed.

William Weld - Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division under Reagan. Stalled or aborted every criminal investigation into drug trafficking connected to the CIA and the NSC.

David Westrate - High ranking DEA official who handled sensitive intelligence liaison between CIA, DEA and Congress dating back to the mid-70s. Rose to become Assistant Administrator.

Gene Wheaton - Retired Army CID, Air Force OSI investigator. Arguably the deepest witness to ever come from inside covert operations and publicly oppose CIA drug trafficking. Investigator for the Cristic Institute, the Sabow family, one of the first at Mena and deeply involved in the C-130 investigations involving CIA and the Forest Service.

James Woolsey - First CIA Director under Bill Clinton prior to the appointment of John Deutch.

If you want to know MORE about this subject,
we recommend the following:

Item #01 - Extracts and Commentary from Vol. II of the CIA Inspector General's Report.

Item #02 - The Carone Report

Item #03 - The Tyree Papers

Item #-05 - The UCLA Oral History
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04/03/07 10:27 PM

#67492 RE: plastipunk #67482


[Lead story in the October 24, 2000 issue of "From The Wilderness"]

Michael C. Ruppert

© Copyright 2000, Michael C. Ruppert and "From The Wilderness" Publications, P.O. Box 6061-350, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413, 818-788-8791, All Rights Reserved. - Permission to reprint for non-profit only is hereby granted as long as proper sourcing appears. For all other permissions contact


FTW October 24, 2000 - The success of Bush Vice Presidential running mate Richard Cheney at leading Halliburton, Inc. to a five year $3.8 billion "pig-out" on federal contracts and taxpayer-insured loans is only a partial indicator of what may happen if the Bush ticket wins in two weeks. A closer look at available research, including an August 2, 2000 report by the Center for Public Integrity (CPI) at, suggests that drug money has played a role in the successes achieved by Halliburton under Cheney's tenure as CEO from 1995 to 2000. This is especially true for Halliburton's most famous subsidiary, heavy construction and oil giant, Brown and Root. A deeper look into history reveals that Brown and Root's past as well as the past of Dick Cheney himself, connect to the international drug trade on more than one occasion and in more than one way.

This June the lead Washington, D.C. attorney for a major Russian oil company connected in law enforcement reports to heroin smuggling and also a beneficiary of US backed loans to pay for Brown and Root contracts in Russia, held a $2.2 million fund raiser to fill the already bulging coffers of presidential candidate George W. Bush. This is not the first time that Brown and Root has been connected to drugs and the fact is that this "poster child" of American industry may also be a key player in Wall Street's efforts to maintain domination of the half trillion dollar a year global drug trade and its profits. And Dick Cheney, who has also come closer to drugs than most suspect, and who is also Halliburton's largest individual shareholder ($45.5 million), has a vested interest in seeing to it that Brown and Root's successes continue.

Of all American companies dealing directly with the U.S. military and providing cover for CIA operations few firms can match the global presence of this giant construction powerhouse which employs 20,000 people in more than 100 countries. Through its sister companies or joint ventures, Brown and Root can build offshore oil rigs, drill wells, construct and operate everything from harbors to pipelines to highways to nuclear reactors. It can train and arm security forces and it can now also feed, supply and house armies. One key beacon of Brown and Root's overwhelming appeal to agencies like the CIA is that, from its own corporate web page, it proudly announces that it has received the contract to dismantle aging Russian nuclear tipped ICBMs in their silos.

Furthermore, the relationships between key institutions, players and the Bushes themselves suggest that under a George "W" administration the Bush family and its allies may well be able, using Brown and Root as the operational interface, to control the drug trade all the way from Medellin to Moscow.

Originally formed as a heavy construction company to build dams, Brown and Root grew its operations via shrewd political contributions to Senate candidate Lyndon Johnson in 1948. Expanding into the building of oil platforms, military bases, ports, nuclear facilities, harbors and tunnels, Brown and Root virtually underwrote LBJ's political career. It prospered as a result, making billions on U.S. Government contracts during the Vietnam War. The "Austin Chronicle" in an August 28 Op-ed piece entitled "The Candidate From Brown and Root" labels Republican Cheney as the political dispenser of Brown and Root's largesse. According to political campaign records, during Cheney's five year tenure at Halliburton the company's political contributions more than doubled to $1.2 million. Not surprisingly, most of that money went to Republican candidates.

Independent news service "," also describes how in 1998, with Cheney as Chairman, Halliburton spent $8.1 billion to purchase oil industry equipment and drilling supplier Dresser Industries. This made Halliburton a corporation that will have a presence in almost any future oil drilling operation anywhere in the world. And it also brought back into the family fold the company that had once sent a plane - also in 1948 - to fetch the new Yale Graduate George H.W. Bush, to begin his career in the Texas oil business. Bush the elder's father, Prescott, served as a Managing Director for the firm that once owned Dresser, Brown Bothers Harriman.

It is clear that everywhere there is oil there is Brown and Root. But increasingly, everywhere there is war or insurrection there is Brown and Root also. From Bosnia and Kosovo, to Chechnya, to Rwanda, to Burma, to Pakistan, to Laos, to Vietnam, to Indonesia, to Iran to Libya to Mexico to Colombia, Brown and Root's traditional operations have expanded from heavy construction to include the provision of logistical support for the U.S. military. Now, instead of U.S. Army quartermasters, the world is likely to see Brown and Root warehouses storing and managing everything from uniforms to rations to vehicles.

Dramatic expansion of Brown and Root's operations in Colombia also suggest Bush preparations for a war inspired feeding frenzy as a part of "Plan Colombia." This is consistent with moves by former Bush Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady to open a joint Colombian-American investment partnership called Corfinsura for the financing of major construction projects with the Colombian Antioquia Syndicate, headquartered in Medellin. (See FTW June, 00). And expectations of a ground war in Colombia may explain why, in a 2000 SEC filing, Brown and Root reported that in addition to owning more than 800,000 square feet of warehouse space in Colombia, they also lease another 122,000 square feet. According to the filing of the Brown and Root Energy Services Group, the only other places where the company maintains warehouse space are in Mexico (525,000 sq. feet), and the U.S. (38,000) square feet.

According to the web site of Colombia's Foreign Investment Promotion Agency Brown and Root had no presence in the country until 1997. What does Brown and Root, which, according to the AP has made more than $2 billion supporting and supplying U.S. troops, know about Colombia that the U.S. public does not? Why the need for almost a million square feet of warehouse space that can be transferred from one Brown and Root operation (energy) to another (military support) with the stroke of a pen?


As described by the Associated Press, during "Iran-Contra" Congressman Dick Cheney of the House Intelligence Committee was a rabid supporter of Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North. This was in spite of the fact that North had lied to Cheney in a private 1986 White House briefing. Oliver North's own diaries and subsequent investigations by the CIA Inspector General have irrevocably tied him directly to cocaine smuggling during the 1980s and the opening of bank accounts for one firm moving four tons of cocaine a month. This, however, did not stop Cheney from actively supporting North's 1994 unsuccessful run for the U.S. Senate from Virginia just a year before he took over the reins at Brown and Root's parent company, Dallas based Halliburton Inc. in 1995.

As the Bush Secretary of Defense during Desert Shield/Desert Storm (1990-91), Cheney also directed special operations involving Kurdish rebels in northern Iran. The Kurds' primary source of income for more than fifty years has been heroin smuggling from Afghanistan and Pakistan through Iran, Iraq and Turkey. Having had some personal experience with Brown and Root I noted carefully when the Los Angeles Times observed that on March 22, 1991 that a group of gunmen burst into the Ankara, Turkey offices of the joint venture, Vinnell, Brown and Root and assassinated retired Air Force Chief Master Sergeant John Gandy.

In March of 1991, tens of thousands of Kurdish refugees, long-time assets of the CIA, were being massacred by Sadam Hussein in the wake of the Gulf War. Sadam, seeking to destroy any hopes of a successful Kurdish revolt, found it easy to kill thousands of the unwanted Kurds who had fled to the Turkish border seeking sanctuary. There, Turkish security forces, trained in part by the Vinnell, Brown and Root partnership, turned thousands of Kurds back into certain death. Today, the Vinnell Corporation (a TRW Company) is, along with the firms MPRI and DynCorp (FTW June, 00) one of the three pre-eminent private mercenary corporations in the world. It is also the dominant entity for the training of security forces throughout the Middle East. Not surprisingly the Turkish border regions in question were the primary transhipment points for heroin, grown in Afghanistan and Pakistan and destined for the markets of Europe.

A confidential source with intelligence experience in the region subsequently told me that the Kurds "got some payback against the folks that used to help them move their drugs." He openly acknowledged that Brown and Root and Vinnell both routinely provided NOC or non-official cover for CIA officers. But I already knew that.

From 1994 to 1999, during US military intervention in the Balkans where, according to "The Christian Science Monitor" and "Jane's Intelligence Review," the Kosovo Liberation Army controls 70 per cent of the heroin entering Western Europe, Cheney's Brown and Root made billions of dollars supplying U.S. troops from vast facilities in the region. Brown and Root support operations continue in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia to this day.

Dick Cheney's footprints have come closer to drugs than one might suspect. The August Center for Public Integrity report brought them even closer. It would be factually correct to say that there is a direct linkage of Brown and Root facilities - often in remote and hazardous regions - between every drug producing region and every drug consuming region in the world. These coincidences, in and of themselves, do not prove complicity in the trade. Other facts, however, lead inescapably in that direction.


The CPI report entitled "Cheney Led Halliburton To Feast at Federal Trough" written by veteran journalists Knut Royce and Nathaniel Heller describes how, under five years of Cheney's leadership, Halliburton, largely through subsidiary Brown and Root, enjoyed $3.8 billion in federal contracts and taxpayer insured loans. The loans had been granted by the Export-Import Bank (EXIM) and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC). According to Ralph McGehee's "CIA Base ©" both institutions are heavily infiltrated by the CIA and routinely provide NOC to its officers.

One of those loans to Russian financial/banking conglomerate The Alfa Group of Companies contained $292 million to pay for Brown and Root's contract to refurbish a Siberian oil field owned by the Russian Tyumen Oil Company. The Alfa Group completed its 51% acquisition of Tyumen Oil in what was allegedly a rigged bidding process in 1998. An official Russian government report claimed that the Alfa Group's top executives, oligarchs Mikhail Fridman and Pyotr Aven "allegedly participated in the transit of drugs from Southeast Asia through Russia and into Europe."

These same executives, Fridman and Aven, who reportedly smuggled the heroin in connection with Russia's Solntsevo mob family were the same ones who applied for the EXIM loans that Halliburton's lobbying later safely secured. As a result Brown and Root's work in Alfa Tyumen oil fields could continue - and expand.

After describing how organized criminal interests in the Alfa Group had allegedly stolen the oil field by fraud, the CPI story, using official reports from the FSB (the Russian equivalent of the FBI), oil companies such as BP-Amoco, former CIA and KGB officers and press accounts then established a solid link to Alfa Tyumen and the transportation of heroin.

In 1995 sacks of heroin disguised as sugar were stolen from a rail container leased by Alfa Echo and sold in the Siberian town of Khabarovsk. A problem arose when many residents of the town became "intoxicated" or "poisoned." The CPI story also stated, "The FSB report said that within days of the incident, Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) agents conducted raids of Alfa Eko buildings and found 'drugs and other compromising documentation.'

"Both reports claim that Alfa Bank has laundered drug funds from Russian and Colombian drug cartels.

"The FSB document claims that at the end of 1993, a top Alfa official met with Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela, the now imprisoned financial mastermind of Colombia's notorious Cali cartel, 'to conclude an agreement about the transfer of money into the Alfa Bank from offshore zones such as the Bahamas, Gibraltar and others. The plan was to insert it back into the Russian economy through the purchase of stock in Russian companies.

"… He [the former KGB agent] reported that there was evidence 'regarding [Alfa Bank's] involvement with the money laundering of… Latin American drug cartels."

It then becomes harder for Cheney and Halliburton to assert mere coincidence in all of this as CPI reported that Tyumen's lead Washington attorney James C, Langdon, Jr. at the firm of Aikin Gump "helped coordinate a $2.2 million fund raiser for Bush this June. He then agreed to help recruit 100 lawyers and lobbyists in the capital to raise $25,000 each for W's campaign."

The heroin mentioned in the CPI story, originated in Laos where longtime Bush allies and covert warriors Richard Armitage and retired CIA ADDO (Associate Deputy Director of Operations) Ted Shackley have been repeatedly linked to the drug trade. It then made its way across Southeast Asia to Vietnam, probably the port of Haiphong. Then the heroin sailed to Russia's Pacific port of Valdivostok from whence it subsequently bounced across Siberia by rail and thence by truck or rail to Europe, passing through the hands of Russian Mafia leaders in Chechnya and Azerbaijan. Chechnya and Azerbaijan are hotbeds of both armed conflict and oil exploration and Brown and Root has operations all along this route.

This long, expensive and tortured path was hastily established, as described by FTW in previous issues, after President George Bush's personal envoy Richard Armitage, holding the rank of Ambassador, had traveled to the former Soviet Union to assist it with its "economic development" in 1989. The obstacle then to a more direct, profitable and efficient route from Afghanistan and Pakistan through Turkey into Europe was a cohesive Yugoslavian/Serbian government controlling the Balkans and continuing instability in the Golden Crescent of Pakistan/Afghanistan. Also, there was no other way, using heroin from the Golden Triangle (Burma, Laos and Thailand), to deal with China and India but to go around them.

It is perhaps not by coincidence again that Cheney and Armitage share membership in the prestigious Aspen Institute, an exclusive bi-partisan research think tank, and also in the U.S. Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce. Just last November, in what may be a portent of things to come, Armitage, played the role of Secretary of Defense in an practical exercise at the Council on Foreign Relations where he and Cheney are also both members. Speculation that the scandal plagued Armitage, who resigned under a cloud as Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Reagan Administration, is W's first choice for Secretary of Defense next year is widespread.

The Clinton Administration took care of all that wasted travel for heroin with the 1998 destruction of Serbia and Kosovo and the installation of the KLA as a regional power. That opened a direct line from Afghanistan to Western Europe and Brown and Root was right in the middle of that too. The Clinton skill at streamlining drug operations was described in detail in the May issue of FTW in a story entitled "The Democratic Party's Presidential Drug Money Pipeline." That article has since been reprinted in three countries. The essence of the drug economic lesson was that by growing opium in Colombia and by smuggling both cocaine and heroin from Colombia to New York City through the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico (a virtual straight line), traditional smuggling routes could be shortened or even eliminated. This reduced both risk and cost, increased profits and eliminated competition.

FTW suspects the hand of Medellin co-founder Carlos Lehder in this process and it is interesting to note that Lehder, released from prison under Clinton in 1995, is now active in both the Bahamas and South America. Lehder was known during the eighties as "The genius of transportation." I can well imagine a Dick Cheney, having witnessed the complete restructuring of the global drug trade in the last eight years, going to George W and saying, "Look, I know how we can make it even better." One thing is for certain. As quoted in the CPI article, one Halliburton Vice President noted that if the Bush-Cheney ticket was elected, "the company's government contracts would obviously go through the roof."


In July of 1977 this writer, then a Los Angeles Police officer struggled to make sense of a world gone haywire. In a last ditch effort to salvage a relationship with my fiancée, Nordica Theodora D'Orsay (Teddy), a CIA contract agent, I had traveled to find her in New Orleans. On a hastily arranged vacation, secured with the blessing of my Commanding Officer, Captain Jesse Brewer of LAPD, I had gone on my own, unofficially, to avoid the scrutiny of LAPD's Organized Crime Intelligence Division (OCID).

Starting in the late spring of 1976 Teddy had wanted me to join her operations from within the ranks of LAPD. I had refused to get involved with drugs in any way and everything she mentioned seemed to involve either heroin or cocaine along with guns that she was always moving out of the country. The Director of the CIA then was George Herbert Walker Bush.

Although officially on staff at the LAPD Academy at the time, I had been unofficially loaned to OCID since January when Teddy, announcing the start of a new operation planned in the fall of 1976 had suddenly disappeared. She left many people, including me, baffled and twisting in the breeze. The OCID detectives had been pressuring me hard for information about her and what I knew of her activities. It was information I could not give them. Hoping against hope that I would find some way to understand her involvement with CIA, LAPD, the royal family of Iran, the Mafia and drugs I set out alone into eight days of Dantean revelations that have determined the course of my life from that day to this.

Arriving in New Orleans in early July, 1977 I found her living in an apartment across the river in Gretna. Equipped with scrambler phones, night vision devices and working from sealed communiqués delivered by naval and air force personnel from nearby Belle Chasse Naval Air Station, Teddy was involved in something truly ugly. She was arranging for large quantities of weapons to be loaded onto ships leaving for Iran. At the same time she was working with Mafia associates of New Orleans Mafia boss Carlos Marcello to coordinate the movement of service boats that were bringing large quantities of heroin into the city. The boats arrived at Marcello controlled docks, unmolested by even the New Orleans police she introduced me to, along with divers, military men, former Green Berets and CIA personnel.

The service boats were retrieving the heroin from oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, oil rigs in international waters, oil rigs built and serviced by Brown and Root. The guns that Teddy monitored, apparently Vietnam era surplus AK 47s and M16s, were being loaded onto ships also owned or leased by Brown and Root. And more than once during the eight days I spent in New Orleans I met and ate at restaurants with Brown and Root employees who were boarding those ships and leaving for Iran within days. Once, while leaving a bar and apparently having asked the wrong question, I was shot at in an attempt to scare me off.

Disgusted and heart broken at witnessing my fiancée and my government smuggling drugs, I ended the relationship. Returning home to LA I made a clean breast and reported all the activity I had seen, including the connections to Brown and Root, to LAPD intelligence officers. They promptly told me that I was crazy. Forced out of LAPD under threat of death at the end of 1978, I made complaints to LAPD's Internal Affairs Division and to the LA office of the FBI under the command of FBI SAC Ted Gunderson. I and my attorney wrote to the politicians, the Department of Justice, the CIA and contacted the L.A. Times. The FBI and the LAPD said that I was crazy.

According to a 1981 two-part news story in the "Los Angeles Herald Examiner" it was revealed that The FBI had taken Teddy into custody and then released her before classifying their investigation without further action. Former New Orleans Crime Commissioner Aaron Cohen told reporter Randall Sullivan that he found my description of events perfectly plausible after his thirty years of studying Louisiana's organized crime operations.

To this day a CIA report prepared as a result of my complaint remains classified and exempt from release pursuant to Executive Order of the President in the interests of national security and because it would reveal the identities of CIA agents.

On October 26, 1981, in the basement of the West Wing of the White House, I reported on what I had seen in New Orleans to my friend and UCLA classmate Craig Fuller. Craig Fuller went on to become Chief of Staff to Vice President Bush from 1981 to 1985.

In 1982, then UCLA political science professor Paul Jabber, filled in many of the pieces in my quest to understand what I had seen in New Orleans. He was qualified to do so because he had served as a CIA and State Department consultant to the Carter administration. Paul explained that, after a 1975 treaty between the Shah of Iran and Sadam Hussein the Shah had cut off all overt military support for Kurdish rebels fighting Sadam from the north of Iraq. In exchange the Shah had gained access to the Shat al-Arab waterway so that he could multiply his oil exports and income. Not wanting to lose a long-term valuable asset in the Kurds, the CIA had then used Brown and Root, which operated in both countries and maintained port facilities in the Persian Gulf and near Shat al-Arab to rearm the Kurds. The whole operation had been financed with heroin. Paul was matter-of-fact about it.

In 1983 Paul Jabber left UCLA to become a Vice President of Banker's Trust and Chairman of the Middle East Department of the Council on Foreign Relations.


If one is courageous enough to seek an "operating system" that theoretically explains what FTW has just described for you, one need look no further than a fabulous two-part article in "Le Monde Diplomatique" in April of this year. The brilliant stories, focusing heavily on drug capital are titled "Crime, The World's Biggest Free Enterprise." The brilliant and penetrating words of authors Christian de Brie and Jean de Maillard do a better job of explaining the actual world economic and political situation than anything that I have ever read.

De Brie writes, "By allowing capital to flow unchecked from one end of the world to the other, globalization and abandon of sovereignty have together fostered the explosive growth of an outlaw financial market…

"It is a coherent system closely linked to the expansion of modern capitalism and based on an association of three partners: governments, transnational corporations and mafias. Business is business: financial crime is first and foremost a market, thriving and structured, ruled by supply and demand.

"Big business complicity and political laisser faire is the only way that large-scale organized crime can launder and recycle the fabulous proceeds of its activities. And the transnationals need the support of governments and the neutrality of regulatory authorities in order to consolidate their positions, increase their profits, withstand and crush the competition, pull off the "deal of the century" and finance their illicit operations. Politicians are directly involved and their ability to intervene depends on the backing and the funding that keep them in power. This collusion of interests is an essential part of the world economy, the oil that keeps the wheels of capitalism turning."

After confronting CIA Director John Deutch on world television on November 15, 1996 I was interviewed by the staffs of both the Senate and House Intelligence Committees. I prepared written testimony for Senate Intelligence which I submitted although I was never called to testify. In every one of those interviews and in my written testimony and in every lecture since that time I have told the story of Brown and Root. I will tell it again at the USC School of International Relations on December the 8th, 2000 - regardless of who wins the election.

Michael C. Ruppert


- The Center for Public Integrity, "Cheney Led Halliburton to Feast at Federal Trough", Knut Royce & Nathaniel Heller,

- "Le Monde - Diplomatique", April 2000.

- The U.S. Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce

- The Aspen Institute," target="_blank">

- "The Austin Chronicle", August 28, 2000

- The Associated Press, "Study: US Could Save Cost in Balkans" - 10/10/00

- The Associated Press, "Cheney, North Relationship Probed" - 8/11/00

- "The New York Times" Index

- The Council on Foreign Relations

- "The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush" - Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin

- "CIA Base" © 1992, Ralph McGehee

- CIA Inspector General Report of Investigation: Allegations of Connections Between CIA and the Contras in Cocaine Trafficking to the United States. Volume II: The Contra Story - Report 96-0143-IG.

-, 27 August 2000, "The Dick Cheney Data Dump"

- Securities and Exchange Commission - "Edgar" Data base.

- Halliburton/Brown and Root -" target="_blank">

- The Vinnell Corporation -" target="_blank">

- "The New York Press," 8/1/00

- "The Los Angeles Times," March 23, 1991.

- "The Los Angeles Herald Examiner:, Oct. 11 & 18, 1981

- "The Christian Science Monitor" - Oct. 20, 1994

- "Jane's Intelligence Review" - February 1, 1995.

- Written testimony of Michael C. Ruppert for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence dated 10/1/97 -" target="_blank">

- "From The Wilderness" (4/99, 4/00, 6/00)

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04/03/07 10:36 PM

#67493 RE: plastipunk #67482

Waco occurred under the presidency of Bill Clinton, with Janet Reno and Wesley Clark in supporting roles. Already back in 1993 the US government demonstrated its contempt for the American people by carrying out a massacre in order to "demonstrate" (on prime time TV) its supposed "authority" (a tactic favored by fascist governments). Following the usurpation of the presidency in 2000 by the psychopath George W. Bush, and the subsequent installation of the insane John Ashcroft as Bush's Himmler, things became much worse. On 9/11 about forty times as many people were murdered as at Waco. In both cases the murderers have so far gone unpunished.

Few Americans realize that on February 28, 1993 when BATF agents in National Guard helicopters zoomed in on the Branch Davidians' church and home, Mount Carmel Center, they did so with guns blazing, like Americans raiding a Vietnamese village in that far off war. ... It is likely FBI agents deliberately sabotaged negotiations with Davidians to prevent their exiting Mount Carmel. Their goal was to destroy the building and its damaging evidence, even if that meant the massacre of dozens of men, women and children, all witnesses to the brutal attack. — Carol Moore: Overview of Davidian Massacre

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04/03/07 10:38 PM

#67494 RE: plastipunk #67482

Dead Men Don't Talk

The following is a list of dead people connected with Bill Clinton:

-James McDougal Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr's investigation.
Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

-Vince Foster Former White House councelor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock's Rose law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.

-Ron Brown Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investi-gation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown's skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors.

-C. Victor Raiser II - & - Montgomery Raiser Major players in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.

-Paul Tulley Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, September 1992. Described by Clinton as a "Dear friend and trusted advisor".

-Ed Willey Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in Virginia of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.

-Jerry Parks Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock. Park's son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.

-James Bunch Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a "Black Book" of people containing names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas.

-James Wilson Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.

-Kathy Ferguson Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson died in May 1994 was found dead in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she was going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.

-Bill Shelton Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the gravesite of his fiancee.

-Gandy Baugh Attorney for Clinton friend Dan Lassater died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.

-Florence Martin Accountant sub-contractor for the CIA related to the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. Died of three gunshot wounds.

-Suzanne Coleman Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.

-Paula Grober Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.

-Danny Casolaro Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparent suicide in the middle of his investigation.

-Paul Wilcher Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 "October Surprise" was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993 in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.

-Jon Parnell Walker Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony August 15, 1993 Was investigating Morgan Guarantee scandal.

-Barbara Wise Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.

-Charles Meissner Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.

-Dr. Stanley Heard Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory council personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and brother.

-Barry Seal Drug running pilot out of Mena Arkansas, Death was no accident.

-Johnny Lawhorn Jr. Mechanic, found a check made out to Clinton in the trunk of a car left in his repair shop. Died when his car hit a utility pole.

-Stanley Huggins Suicide. Investigated Madison Guarantee. His report was never released.

-Hershell Friday Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1, 1994 when his plane exploded.

-Kevin Ives & Don Henry Known as "The boys on the track" case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. Controversial case where initial report of death was due to falling asleep on railroad track. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.

- Keith Coney Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck July, 1988.

- Keith McMaskle Died, stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988

- Gregory Collins Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.

-Jeff Rhodes He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989.

-James Milan Found decapitated. Coroner ruled death due to natural causes.

-Jordan Kettleson Was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup truck in June 1990.

-Richard Winters Was a suspect in the Ives / Henry deaths. Was killed in a set-up robbery July 1989

Major William S. Barkley Jr.
Captain Scott J. Reynolds
Sgt. Brian Hanley
Sgt. Tim Sabel
Major General William Robertson
Col. William Densberger
Col. Robert Kelly
Spec. Gary Rhodes
Steve Willis
Robert Williams
Conway LeBleu
Todd McKeehan

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04/03/07 10:41 PM

#67497 RE: plastipunk #67482

The Disintegration of the FBI
Phil Brennan,
Friday, May 31, 2002
How It Really Happened

The destruction of the once great institution of the FBI began with the election of Bill Clinton in 1992.

During the Clinton years, the FBI became a political tool and servant of the Clinton White House.

Case in point: the Clinton pardongate scandal. In August 2000, the Atlanta field office of the FBI sent a memo to bureau headquarters in Washington. In that memo was information supplied by an informant regarded as reliable by local FBI agents.

According to the source, arrangements were being made to have then-President Clinton pardon two international fugitives, Marc Rich and Pinky Green. The pardon, the source told agents, would be granted in the final hours of the Clinton administration. Along with that tip were "detailed allegations of financial payoffs to ensure the presidential actions," wrote investigative reporter and editor Paul Rodriguez, who broke the story in Insight magazine.

"At the time the FBI received this information in mid-August 2000, Rich and Green were well known to the bureau as indicted tax cheats and lavishly rich fugitives on the lam. Rich's ex-wife was a close friend of Clinton and a big-time contributor and fund-raiser for Democrats. But even to casual observers the two fugitives were not plausible candidates for presidential pardons," Rodriguez wrote.

"In Washington, the bureau simply sat on this explosive tip, which included the allegation that millions of dollars were alleged to be deposited in secret bank accounts for Clinton and others identified as involved in securing the pardons."

As reported on Sept. 5, 2001, even after the actual pardons were granted on Clinton's last day in the White House, just as the informant had reported, the FBI failed to act on the explosive report. In fact, it wasn't until March, some two months later, that the bureau admitted the existence of the memo, and then only because the courageous agent who had written the memo refused to allow its cover-up to go unchallenged.

To this day, the bureau continues to stonewall on the matter, frustrating the efforts of congressional investigators to probe the buried scandal, Rodriguez told

As shocking as it is, this was simply another instance of the bureau covering up information and activities apparently deemed damaging to President Clinton and his administration.

In case after case, the bureau's prestige as the world's most efficient crime-fighting agency was trotted out to bestow official credence to stories cooked up to justify the Clinton administration's version of controversial incidents – versions that strain the credulity of even the most naïve observers.

In the end, the bureau's prestige as a reliable investigative agency whose word could be taken as Gospel truth has vanished into the same black hole into which any information inconvenient to the Clinton administration also vanished.

Here is part of the sorry record of a once valued crime-fighting agency.

The Downing of TWA 800

The FBI wrested control of the investigation into the destruction of TWA Flight 800 on July 17, 1996, from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the agency with the authority and responsibility to assume the role of lead investigative body in the matter.
One NTSB investigator complained that "overbearing" FBI agents "immediately took control, and hampered a lot of things we did." NTSB officials portrayed the FBI as "aggressive beyond propriety" and described an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust, believing that the FBI routinely withheld crucial information.

As reported on May 16 last year, "This failure to share information was particularly focused on the FBI laboratory in Washington, which was characterized as a "black hole."

According to another report on, New York FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom told a high-ranking New York state official that the FBI would not find that a missile shot down the plane because the American people couldn't handle it.

Kallstrom also noted that several shoulder missiles went missing during the Gulf War.

The official said the FBI also put the brakes on a speedy investigation, fearing it might hurt Bill Clinton's 1996 election chances.

Veteran naval aviator and crash investigator Comdr. William Donaldson said he had witnesses who heard George Gabrial, the senior FBI agent on Long Island and personal friend of Kallstrom, and who was a close witness of the downing of TWA 800 when on his boat, that he believed what he had observed was a missile.

The FBI knew that a crewman on a fishing boat had dredged up an object that he later said all but perfectly matched photos of a MANPAD firing mechanism agents showed him. He said he examined the object, which resembled a tin can and had wires protruding from one end. After looking at it, he threw it overboard.

The bureau fought tooth and nail to cover up the fact that testimony given by hundreds of eyewitness all but proved that TWA 800 was downed by a missile. And many witnesses said FBI agents badgered them to change their testimony.

When the NTSB scheduled public hearings into the crash in Baltimore for Dec. 8, 1997, the FBI pressured the NTSB to exclude those highly credible eyewitness reports and ban their live testimony from the hearings.

The FBI influenced the content of the NTSB hearings by pressuring the NTSB chairman to exclude any evidence of an external explosion by banning all discussion, reports, test results and eyewitnesses that supported such an event. The absence of laboratory results of explosive residues from the hearings placed total reliance on the word of an FBI crime lab with a history of inadequate scientific checks and balances.

On July 21, 1996, a safety board report states that Assistant U.S. Attorney Valerie Caproni informed Norm Weimeyer, head of the Flight 800 probe's operations group, "that no interviews were to be conducted by the NTSB." Safety board investigators could review FBI-supplied documents on the witnesses, "provided no notes were taken and no copies were made."

The FBI gathered and controlled those statements as part of its criminal investigation of the crash.
The Death of Vincent Foster

Then there is the matter of the death of Vincent Foster on July 20, 1993. His death was quickly ruled a suicide by U.S. Park Police and, later, the FBI and two Special Counsel reports.

But few people remember that the controversy over Foster's death began on July 19, the day before, when President Clinton abruptly fired then-FBI Director William Sessions. Sessions would later say he was fired because he tried to stop the politicization of the FBI.

Though the high-ranking death should have meant FBI involvement, the White House ordered the FBI out of the death investigation and the inquiry into what happened in Foster's White House office. Later, the FBI was used by the Independent Counsel investigations to rubber-stamp the Park Police inquiry.

After years of investigation and the altering of key forensic evidence, the FBI was able to claim that Vince Foster had driven to Fort Marcy Park and shot himself there.

Veteran homicide detective Mark Fuhrman told Details magazine: "If he killed himself, he didn't do it there. If he committed suicide, then someone moved him to Fort Marcy Park.

"Someone tried to stage a crime scene that is not believable in the least, and to make it work they gave it to an investigative body like the Park Police who can be ordered around and bullied," Fuhrman told Details.

But the facts didn't add up. As Christopher Ruddy noted in "The Strange Death of Vincent Foster," it was difficult to believe that Foster, a man who showed no signs of depression, did not leave a suicide note; killed himself in the back of an old park (original microscopic inspection found no evidence of grass stains or dust on his shoes); shot himself with a 1913 handgun that he didn't own and that left little evidence of blood loss and no spent bullet; and managed to neatly arrange his body, with gun in hand, after he shot himself.

Also, a key eyewitness, who came on the Fort Marcy Park scene before the discovery of Foster's body reported that Foster's car was not in the parking lot at the time. The witness would later claim that FBI agents doctored his testimony to make it less suspicious. He sued the FBI after suffering harassment before testifying at a grand jury.

Another witness, Arkansas State Trooper Larry Patterson, testified that FBI agents badgered him to change his story – that he had learned of Foster's death before the body was found in Fort Marcy Park.

The Waco Affair

The standoff between the FBI and the Branch Davidian sect headed by David Koresh ended in a conflagration on April 19, 1993, that incinerated some 80 members of the group along with some of their children. A controversy still rages over the actions of FBI agents on the scene.

There is evidence that FBI snipers fired at the compound while it was being consumed by flames. A filmmaker has videos shot at the scene that he and other experts say prove that agents were shooting into the compound. The bureau insists that what they interpret as weapons being fired into the compound is actually sunlight glinting off broken shards of glass.

Critics insist that the FBI ignited the holocaust when it sent tanks crashing through the walls of the compound building.

The FBI ignored some of its own people, who insisted that Koresh and his followers could be convinced to surrender, and went ahead with the assault that killed the Davidians.

The FBI ordered the destruction of the ruins, thereby forestalling any attempts by critics to examine evidence that would have indicted the bureau for its wrongful actions at Waco.
Ruby Ridge
On Aug. 22, 1992, on a remote ridge in northern Idaho, a weeklong standoff between white separatist Randy Weaver and federal agents ended in a shootout in which an FBI sniper shot and killed Weaver's wife, Vicky. The Ruby Ridge confrontation began a week earlier, when federal marshals tried to arrest Weaver for failing to appear in court on minor weapons charges.

It was later shown that Weaver's failure to appear was the result of a goof-up by the court. When heavily armed authorities arrived, a gun battle broke out between marshals and Weaver's 14-year-old son, resulting in the deaths of the boy and a U.S. marshal.

The FBI was called in, and a standoff developed during which time Weaver's wife was killed by an FBI sniper.

In 1994, a Justice Department investigation report of the incident revealed that the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team overreacted to the threat of violence and instituted a shoot-on-sight policy that violated bureau guidelines and Fourth Amendment restrictions on police power.

In late October, FBI Headquarters Manager E. Michael Kahoe pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice. He had shredded an internal FBI critique of the agency's disastrous 1992 siege.

Kahoe, court papers charged, did not merely destroy all copies of a report that he himself had prepared; he also ordered a subordinate "to make it appear as if the Ruby Ridge after-action critique never existed."

The FBI disciplined 12 agents and employees, including Larry Potts, then the head of its criminal division. Incredibly, in the face of Potts' shoddy behavior at both Ruby Ridge and Waco, Freeh named Potts deputy director of the criminal division. After a scandal erupted over the appointment, Potts was forced to retire.

In statements given before the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology, and Government Information, two commanders who were at Ruby Ridge fingered former FBI Deputy Director Larry Potts, at the time of the siege head of the FBI's criminal division, as the man who authorized agents to shoot on sight – a practice that, according to an earlier Justice Department inquiry, "departed from the FBI's standard deadly force policy ... [and] contravened the Constitution of the United States."

Politicization of the FBI

The outright politicization of the FBI began with the firing of then-FBI director William Sessions. In a written statement to Chris Ruddy soon after the death of Vincent Foster, Sessions explained the reason he was fired: "… at the time I left the Bureau [I stated] that I would not be part of politicizing the FBI from within or without."

Sessions was replaced by Louis Freeh, who for the next eight years danced to the tune played by Bill Clinton, using the FBI as a tool to cover up the scandals of the Clinton administration.

The FBI turned over to Clinton gumshoes confidential bureau files on top Republicans allegedly to be used to blackmail them. The action was illegal, but no one at the FBI was punished for breaking the law in the so-called Filegate scandal.

Freeh allowed the FBI to investigate innocent employees of the White House Travel Office who the Clintons wanted to replace with their own cronies. The employees were terminated although no evidence of wrongdoing on their part was ever produced by the bureau.

Billy Dale, the longtime Travel Office head, was harassed by FBI agents, indicted on phony evidence and fully exonerated by a jury that acquitted him minutes after retiring to consider its verdict.

It was shown that the legendary FBI crime laboratory had faked evidence and otherwise mishandled it. The agent who disclosed the scandal was harshly treated by his bureau superiors.

In 1997, when the Clinton administration came out against Americans having the right of encryption – sending e-mail by code to protect the privacy of their messages – FBI Director Freeh quickly fell into line, making speeches supporting the Clinton/Gore policy.

Freeh opposed the whole idea that Americans should be allowed to have private conversations. He told the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation that encryption poses a "threat to public safety," and said he wanted to forbid the use of encryption products unless they are "socially responsible," i.e., have key escrow built into them (a key held by a third party – in this case the feds).

Freeh asserted that there was now an "emerging opinion throughout much of the world" in favor of key escrow. Al Gore called it a "consensus." But there was no such consensus; nobody was pushing it except the Clinton administration.

FBI misbehavior so appalled two United States senators that they introduced legislation in June 2001 to create an inspector general post to oversee the bureau.
Responding to national concern over the lack of FBI accountability, Sens. Richard J. Durbin, D-Ill., and Arlen Specter, R-Pa., charged that the FBI had mishandled and misbehaved in a series of public scandals, including Ruby Ridge, Waco, spies, crime-lab evidence fabrication, withholding documents and imprisoning innocent men on false charges in order to protect "sources."

Wrote columnist Paul Craig Roberts: "These scandals have cost the FBI credibility with the public. The two senators are trying to refurbish the FBI's image with an inspector general."

Richard Jewell, an Atlanta security guard, was suspected by the FBI of planting the bomb in Centennial Park during the 1996 Olympics. Although they had not a scintilla of evidence, FBI agents convinced themselves they had the right man.
They persuaded a friend of his to have dinner with him while wearing a wire to record all of Jewell's private conversation. They tried to trick him into waiving his rights. And they apparently leaked their suspicions to the press, stigmatizing him brutally through public accusations and innuendoes, without ever arresting or indicting him. In the end, the bureau had to write him a letter fully exonerating him of having any connection with the bombing.

In 1998, The FBI decided that the Atlanta bomber was one Eric Rudolph, a fugitive they conveniently haven't been able to apprehend despite years of trying, spending millions of dollars and tens of thousands of man-hours, offering a million-dollar reward and harassing residents of the North Carolina mountains where Rudolph was believed to be hiding.
The changes in the bureau announced yesterday will do nothing to rid the agency of the moral rot that exists at the top rungs of the FBI. Only a thorough investigation of FBI misconduct in the above cases can identify the problems that exist in the bureau's top echelons.
The real truth about TWA 800, the death of Vince Foster, the vanishing memo about the Marc Rich pardon and the facts about Waco and Ruby Ridge must be told, no matter who gets hurt. Let the chips fall where they may.

When Director Mueller was first appointed to his job, called on him in an open letter to do just that. To date he has not.

At the time, NewsMax charged that "the FBI has become an agency that views its principal function as being the guardian of the federal government. And its principal weapon in protecting the interests of the government and its top executives has been the cover-up. These are the earmarks of a police state. A police agency that allows itself to become the servant of government becomes an enemy of the public it is sworn to serve and protect.

"Whatever else is wrong with the bureau – investigative sloppiness, corruption among its top executives and agents, even betrayal of country – all of this and more is a side effect of the agency's willingness to prostitute itself to protect corrupt officials of the federal government. That's where the rot began. If you really want to reform the FBI, that's where you have to start," NewsMax editorialized.
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04/03/07 10:49 PM

#67503 RE: plastipunk #67482

Ron Brown Evidence Of A Cover up

Raymond Lemme, top right active U.S. Air Force Reservist

and Florida Department of Transportation OSI Investigator was murdered

investigating Chinese - NASA, DOT whistleblower complaint