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04/03/07 7:19 PM

#4102 RE: virginian #4098

I can personally say I don't doubt that they won the case, just like the links that bottomfeed gave, but as for what you said - little has been collected, and these companies are default. I really find it hard for them to get anywhere near 700 million? Its like when people sue someone else (average joe) for millions upon millions of dollars for something like wrong death and win? So now average joe has to pay millions of dollars that he won't have even if he worked 10 life times? I just see the same thing with these companies - default companies don't have much? Sure they can liqudate assets but to get 700 million?

SO yes I don't know where the money is coming from, but if its going to be by the defendants, and they are broke or they appeal or do something to draw it out? I mean it means nothing until there is money in hand. Also if there is money in hand, why wouldn't altmore annouce it? That will make the stock soar if we know we have the money back from damages? As you said if he does look at these boards (and others) I'm sure there is a general theme of complaint/concern,

where is the money for the judgement?
where is the money from the saudi funding?

I prefer judgement money over saudi funding right now, hah like i said before sell the michael jackson auction for a million or so and ill be happy.

I don't feel we have any money from the judgement because if we did we would have the income statement not showing -18million dollar net income. Plus this company only is pulling a 1 million dollar revenue? So even if they are (for the sake of argument) recieving judgement money its under a million dollars and infact I hope its only a few thousand, because if out of that 1.07 million of revenue last fiscal year only lets say 500k is total revenue from sales? I mean that would make this company look a lot awful on paper? Total revenue However its still a concern that they are still not making a profit. I mean their administrative costs are averaging 6 million dollars a year for crying out loud. Altmore salary alone is 600k/yr thats more than half of their total revenue?

Again I would make a note I would LOVE for Altmore to say "we have the 700 million coming - here is how much we have, and here is how much left we are still owed and its planned to be here by X date" but he hasn't because I'm afriad its not coming, and as I said before, no money = no stock increase no matter HOW GREAT of news come out. All this stock will do is go up and go back down and you can make thousands and thousands of dollars if you plan it right, but for long term investment I just don't see this stock going up until the financal reports come in better?
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04/04/07 8:24 AM

#4106 RE: virginian #4098

virginian: How do I know he hasn't collected anything yet? Because he would have announced doing so, and any money recovered would have to be identified and reported in the SEC filings.

And the two awards were not against naked shorters, or the SEC. They were default judgements against two-bit hustlers who didn't bother to appear for failing to fullfill funding promises. RA did claim in the suits that their failure to do so left USXP open to naked short selling attacks, but as part of his reasons for the penalties sought. Nobody was sued for naked shorting the stock. Is the judgement bogus? No, but the idea that it was won against naked shorters and the SEC, and the idea that any of it is actually collectable, is, IMNSVHO.

As for the recent summary judgement in favor of the SEC, the official penalties have not been proclaimed by the judge. The barring of RA and the fines have yet to be imposed. Why? You actually have me there. I have no idea what is taking the judge so long to do so.

Good luck on this one, I think you are really, really going to need it.