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Andy Grave

12/01/03 1:59 AM

#19059 RE: wbmw #19056

Wouldn't it be more useful if contrarian opinions accounted for 50% of the board's bandwidth? Or would you prefer that it's zero?

If all the pro AMD opinions came from AMD fan boys and all the contrarian views came from Intel fan boys and they balanced out 50/50, you would simply have a 100% partisan view point of everything. Not very realistic and pretty useless. Unfortunately, this is true for nearly all Intel fan boys here. While it is also true for selected AMD fan boys, this blind fanatical reverence for everything that is Intel is not replicated to the same degree on the AMD side. People may want to consider why that is the case.

Andy Grave
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12/01/03 10:11 AM

#19068 RE: wbmw #19056

wbmw -

By the way, 40% sounds pretty small. Wouldn't it be more useful if contrarian opinions accounted for 50% of the board's bandwidth? Or would you prefer that it's zero?

I think I'd prefer it to be more credible. Elmer's insistance, against all evidence, that Xeon outperforms Opteron in everything but gaming is a good example. I looked up Opteron benchmarks and posted the first three I found yesterday, all showing Opteron thouroughly thrashing Xeon, and Elmer still describes my position as 'misguided'.

Today Keith posts a new benchmark showing the FX clearly faster than the competition in all catagories, and Elmer still makes one-liners about buying gaming machines. His credibility has sunk to a new low.

I want good contrarian posts. I want to know what Intel is doing right and what AMD is doing wrong. I want facts.
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Not a Short

12/01/03 10:48 AM

#19077 RE: wbmw #19056

Wouldn't it be more useful if contrarian opinions accounted for 50% of the board's bandwidth?

I'd prefer if less than 50% of the bandwith be partisan on either side. Assuming equal time that'd be 25% max for AMD lovers and 25% max for AMD haters. Logical discourse can have point and counterpoint without having fans or radicals.