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11/30/03 9:50 PM

#2131 RE: Ed Monton #2129

Mel Fisher is no relation as far as I know. Arthur's paper is some plentiful in many circles. He says he was involved in 4 mines. I was involved in a few too, but so far the reward is elusive.

Mel was a protege of the legendary Art McKee. We are talking Character here. As in Yosemite Sam. Mckee found gazillions. Mel found good stuff and lawsuits with the guvmint to boot. Lost a son diving. Books on both are written.

With today's sub-bouyant sleds, infrared, sonar acoustic colour sounders, maggotometers/conductivity thingie, and GPS tracking, the treasure cannot hide. Research in Spain/Engalund helps with a spicanole speaking personage. You may also need a Engalund speking person to research there. Funny admiralty records are not as accredited as the Sp. stuff.

We are also seeking some land based treasure, such as the 17 ton 4 corners treasure in NM. That has a story to it. Mined in Mexico and deposited in the States.

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12/04/03 7:47 AM

#2135 RE: Ed Monton #2129

Holmer Gold releases Timmins gold assay results

Holmer Gold Mines Ltd HGM
Shares issued 41,330,024 Dec 3 close $0.59
Thu 4 Dec 2003 News Release
Mr. John Robinson reports
Holmer Gold Mines has released significant gold assay results from
additional 25 drill holes and four wedge holes of the current gold resource
expansion program on its 100-per-cent-owned Timmins gold project in
Ontario. Three diamond drills are currently working on the property, which
is under option to Lake Shore Gold Corp., the operator of the project.
Dr. Sethu Raman, president of Holmer Gold, said: "The drilling results
continue to show multiple gold zones with increasing grade and width that
appear to confirm the potential of a gold mine on our Timmins property. In
particular, the high-grade ultramafic zone could be larger than previously
estimated. Lake Shore Gold is currently accelerating the multirig drilling
program much sooner than expected."
Additional drilling is under way on the adjoining property of Band-Ore
Resources, which is also under option to Lake Shore. To date, two drill
holes have been completed on the latter property and both have intersected
the mineralized target.
Under the terms of the Holmer-Lake Shore Gold agreement, Lake Shore Gold
can earn an undivided 50-per-cent interest in the Timmins property by
incurring exploration expenditure of $2.5-million, making cash payments of
$250,000, issuing 150,000 Lake Shore Gold common shares over a three-year
period and confirming that the property contains an indicated mineral
resource of at least 500,000 ounces of gold. All adjoining properties
within one kilometre from the property boundary acquired by Lake Shore,
including Band-Ore option will become part of Holmer-Lake Shore Gold option
Resource delineation program
Holes TG03-04a and TG03-04b, TG03-11, TG03-19, TG03-19b, and wedge holes
97-50a and 97-50b, are all part of the continuing resource expansion
program. The two wedge holes, 97-50a and 50b, were drilled on Section
4710E, as were previously released holes TG03-03 and TG03-04 (see news in
Stockwatch Oct. 8, 2003), completing the delineation program on that
section. These results confirm a large tonnage potential with
mineralization in excess of five grams per tonne gold over 220 metres (0.15
ounce per ton gold over 721 feet) of dip length in the Footwall and
Ultramafic zones at depths of 500 to 700 metres below surface. Both zones
remain open.
Hole 97-50a cut 7.9 grams per tonne gold over 2.6 metres and 12.6 grams per
tonne gold over 3.8 metres, while 97-50b cut 7.4 grams per tonne gold over
5.3 metres, including 14.0 grams per tonne gold over 2.1 metres, as well as
a deep intercept in the ultramafic intrusive of (uncut) 13.7 grams per
tonne gold over 13.5 metres (0.4 ounce per ton gold over 44 feet),
including 108 grams per tonne gold over 1.5 metres (3.15 ounce per ton over
4.9 feet).
The wedges from TG03-04 were aimed at intercepting the Main zone at 400
metres below surface and cut narrow high-grade intercepts of (uncut) 175.4
grams per tonne gold over 1.5 metres (5.12 ounce per ton gold over 4.9
feet) and 330.5 grams per tonne gold over 1.5 metres (11.77 ounce per ton
gold over 4.9 feet). Holes TG03-19 and TG03-19b were drilled to undercut
hole 97-32 on Section 4825E and cut relatively weak zones in both the HW
veins and Footwall zone with a best intercept of 5.5 grams per tonne gold
over two metres in the Footwall zone.

Hole From To Length Gold Section
(m) (m) (m) (g/t)

TG03-04a 419.9 421.5 1.5 175.4 4710E
TG03-04b 420.9 422.3 1.5 330.5 4710E
TG03-08 Abandoned due to azimuth
TG03-11 404.7 406.8 2.1 7.4 4825E
TG03-19 No significant results 4825E
TG03-19b 615.0 616.1 1.1 5.6 4825E
TG03-19b 625.2 629.0 3.9 1.4 4825E
TG03-19b 638.0 639.0 1.0 10.7 4825E
Includes 638.0 640.0 2.0 5.5 4825E
TG97-50a 713.4 715.0 1.6 5.8 4710E
TG97-50a 745.3 747.9 2.6 7.9 4710E
Includes 745.3 746.8 1.5 12.4 4710E
TG97-50a 752.2 753.8 1.6 6.8 4710E
TG97-50a 760.4 764.2 3.8 12.6 4710E
TG97-50a 937.7 939.2 1.5 9.8 4710E
TG97-50a 937.7 938.2 0.5 26.9 4710E
TG97-50b 708.1 710.3 2.2 5.0 4710E
TG97-50b 746.3 751.6 5.3 7.4 4710E
Includes 746.3 748.4 2.1 14.0 4710E
TG97-50b 750.6 751.6 1.0 8.7 4710E
TG97-50b 891.9 905.3 13.5 13.7 4710E
TG97-50b 891.9 893.3 1.5 107.9 4710E

Pit delineation program
Holes TG03-12 to TG03-18 and TG03-20 to 33 were all drilled to fill in
spaces in the near-surface drilling between sections 4912E and 5750E. The
Main zone, a broad zone of strong quartz tourmaline veining, is close to
surface between sections 4950E and 4912E, and was tested by holes TG03-23
to TG03-29. Drilling in these sections has confirmed the presence of wide
zones of mineralization grading in excess of one gram per tonne gold at
shallow depths. Holes TG03-13 to 18 and 20 to 22 tested a new area east of
the Main zone where discrete high-grade quartz tourmaline veins and quartz
carbonate veins, which are largely untested by drilling, have been exposed
by stripping. Hole TG03-14 cut the V2 zone, with a cut grade of 15.8 grams
per tonne gold over 4.5 metres (0.46 ounce per ton gold over 14.7 feet).
(c) Copyright 2003 Canjex Publishing Ltd.