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04/02/07 10:32 PM

#77 RE: chunga1 #76

chunga- isn't that kinda what's going on with nuclear weapons problems in both countries right now. I've repeated that same scenario to many people over the past year or so. It is an eye opener and most people react the same way you did. I know I would load up for bear and then some. Overkill was always one of my stronger subjects LOL. I hope many more read this and voice their opinions.
If you don't read Doonesberry, try and get a hold of this past Sunday's comics and read it. It was kinda thought provoking too. I am neither republican nor democrat- independant and damn proud of it. I am neither liberal nor conservative, but I do see good and bad ideas coming from both spectrums. I write my representative and both senators almost weekly freely giving my opinions on the issues at hand and always encouraging them to repeal the Patriot Act in it's entirety. I don't like big brother watching me all the time. I believe George Bush should be impeached. Bill Clinton was impeached for just being a man. George Bush swore an oath to support and defend our constitution and has made a mockery of it. And no I didn't like Clinton either.
Sorry, guys, I've been on the soapbox too long. I hope I haven't made anyone sorry I found your board. I threw out a scenario that could be taken as anti American and I just wanted to let everyone know a bit more about me before they think I'm some sort of rabble rouser. I just think too much sometimes. :-)