This is not completely out of the blue ..... four years ago Chester never expected to mine again, then when Mulatos and a bit of an uptick in gold came along, his interest was generated by pretty much immediate prospects for mining .... not a grand exploration project, but mining ..... well the holdouts among the ejido didn't help this any, also it took time to raise the capital with the fractured ownership pre-merger, and generally the regulatory ambience in both Canada and México slows things down considerably from the rate you could have progressed at in 1972 .... plus, it does make sense to drill the deep of Mulatos, call it condemnation drilling if nothing else, and actually there is good sign of reasonable grade there
The wording of that release suggests a degree of rancour between parties, that i don't believe exists ..... McCluskey has been running the company for some time, and remember it was Chester who picked him in the first place .... Chester has never been particularly patient, his interaction with Messrs Barrett and Keeble over Afton demonstrates that, lol .... he won in that case, but he was younger then, more interested .... no one doubts the outstanding contribution he has made, at the same time i think most of us would like to see a more comprehensive course taken with Salamandra than a small-scale mine ... you likely got the sense of it straight off, amarksp, Hughes and McD would have voted with McC
Mind you i'm not in contact here for a long time, and never was privy to fine detail .... but i don't see why the shareprice would take a major hit on this news? .... could be, but it hasn't so far this morning ..... it wouldn't break my heart to see a sell-off, i don't have many shares left, and would add on a serious dip .... we shall see ... cheers