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Replies to #8495 on FACT-N-FICTION
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Mr. Zen

03/29/07 8:48 AM

#8503 RE: ICEMAN1CO #8495

History begins in 1998, while the area of technologies and multimedia is in full effervescence. The GSI firm Technologies throws then an ambitious plan of multimedia billing.
Michel de Montigny
His president, Michel de Montigny, is a businessman of very good reputation. But since the beginning of the nineties it is linked with an investor, Giles Mathieu, member of high rank of the Hell' s Angels Nomads.

Mr de Montigny supports that he broke his business acquaintances with Giles Mathieu when he acquainted with his criminal company, in 1999 But a police inquiry, the main elements of which are in affidavit, reveals that both men had frequent contacts until 2001 regarding management and expansion of GSI.

According to information contained in affidavit, both men made offences of initiating again and again. About Montigny informed Mathieu of instants the most advantageous for the purchase of actions of GSI by Hells Angels. Criminal bikers would have artificially also supported the lessons of GSI at the time of the blasting of the technological bubble.

Mr de Montigny touched a million dollars at least by selling at high price of actions in which he had invested about 10 000 $, to a document of Security and Exchanges Commission, the watchdog of the grant in the United States. It disclaims that the sum of its winnings is also well brought up.

The growth of GSI Technologies is searing. The firm multiplies the acquisitions of subsidiaries, takes expansion in Russia and in Europe, and its value flies off to the grant.

On the promise of wonderful winnings, the broker Maxima Capital sells actions of GSI to individuals without providing them with prospectus, what is illegal.

Even the péquiste deputy André Boulerice is wrapped by possibilities given by GSI Technologies. It recommends the firm to ministers of the government of Quebec and even to a French deputy. By making sure of ethical rules to the legal adviser of the National Assembly, it accompanies the same GSI in some trips abroad.

GSI Technologies he offers to leave his post of deputy to be in charge of public relations of the firm. It declines invitation after somebody, of high rank at governmental level, had recommended him to keep « an arm of distance » with GSI.

Mr Boulerice maintains today that he ignored that a member of the Hells Angels hid behind the firm.

The bank of Hells
Report makes discover the "bank" which Hells Angels set up in a flat of Montreal. Candid cameras, installed by the police, recorded massive transfers of banknotes, which served for financing the importation of narcotic. The police could grab diskettes which contained the secret accountancy of the bikers.

In epoch, the annual income of Giles Mathieu would have attained 1,7 million dollars. But when it was stopped, as part of operation Spring, 2001, the interviewers grabbed only 13 000 silver $ in his business liquid and of jewellery for a $65 000 value. No accusation for economic crimes was made against him.
Giles Mathieu, founder of GSI Technologies, during its arrest, in spring on 2001.
Today, Gil Mathieu purges a trouble of 20 years of prison for conspiracy for murder, drug trafficking and organized crime.