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03/28/07 1:52 PM

#257078 RE: StephanieVanbryce #257067

>>>and to NOT even mention .. all those 'cluster bombs' .. that were dropped<<<

Which were a violation of a "use agreement" between the US and Israel. But so what? Israel systematically violates most of what they agree to comply with including UN resolutions and never suffer consequences. Except increased financial and military aid from america of course.

"WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - The United States said on Monday Israel may have violated an agreement with Washington in its use of U.S.-made cluster bombs during last July's war with Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon.

"There were likely violations," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters.

The State Department said it had delivered a classified preliminary report to the U.S. Congress on Monday indicating possible violations of a "use agreement" between the United States and Israel over the cluster bombs.

McCormack declined to say how Israel violated U.S. rules in its use of U.S.-made rockets armed with cluster bombs in Lebanon, saying such information was classified."