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03/28/07 12:18 AM

#47168 RE: wanaB #47167

"If the SEC had/has found any inkling of "wrong doing" with regard to the status of this company this PR today would not have come to be. "

Is there something in writing that says the SEC investigation is over and has cleared everything done is A OK? I mean it's a little premature to speculate that it's over and this press release proves everything is just fine, isn't it?

I am not saying they are going to torch anyone specifically but they didn't come around to make friends and kiss. There had to be a problem there in the first place for them to come in. It's usually about money as well when they come in and since we have generate like $0 for revenues one might assume they will look everything over, including the books.

Can everyone here just please stop trying to polish all these recent events as positive. SEC investigations are very big deals and need to be looked at that way. The very companies life is at stake here. What if they find that all the shares they issued we're illegal and they have to delist them?? What then?? Try to sell a delisted stock to anyone, goodluck.


03/28/07 12:38 AM

#47174 RE: wanaB #47167

WannaB – if the SEC is involved, it is to determine if there was any wrong doing. Arnold did not say they found any evidence of wrong doing just that they are “investigating for wrong doing”. That’s what they do and there is nothing wrong with that statement. In terms of other things being done in the meantime, these investigations can take years and businesses don’t shut down while they are being investigated formal or informal. Today’s announcement has no connection the inquiry. It neither supports it or dismisses it.