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03/26/07 12:31 PM

#296 RE: mcenulty #295

'Tis the Season - Tax Season


Since almost everyone is in the midst of preparing their taxes right now I thought my next topic should be the one almost everyone hates – taxes.

Recently, I came across an article in the Wall Street Journal (3/21/07 Page A18) which parallels my views on the subject almost exactly. This article was written by Jeb Hensarling, Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, a group of over 100 conservatives in the House of Representatives and is titled “Contract Renewed”.

The article states: The time has come for each member of Congress to show political courage. We must stop politicking and work to provide real solutions to the serious problems that our nation faces.. On March 21, 2007 Dick Armey, one of the authors of the original Contract with America, will be joined by taxpayers from across our country at the Capitol to endorse the American Taxpayer Bill of Rights, which was developed by the Republican Study Committee. These rights represent a renewed contract with all Americans to restore accountability to the halls of Congress. Here’s a glimpse:

1. Taxpayers have a right to have a Federal government that does not grow beyond their ability to pay for it.

2. Taxpayers have the right to receive back each dollar that they entrust to the government for their retirement.

3. Taxpayers have a right to expect the government to balance the budget without having their taxes raised.

4. Taxpayers have a right to a simple, fair tax code that they can understand.

I think they are on the right track here, pretty much. Let’s look at those more closely.

1. Taxpayers have a right to have a Federal government that does not grow beyond their ability to pay for it.

Our current debt is approximately $8.8 trillion dollars or over $29,000 for every man, woman and child in America. How did we ever allow it to get this big? This has to stop now. We are not in debt because we don’t pay enough in taxes, we are in debt because our politicians spend too much. It’s our money, not theirs.

If you or I or anyone gets too far into debt you have to cut back and only pay for the necessities until your finances are more in balance. That is exactly what needs to be done with the nation’s finances.

2. Taxpayers have the right to receive back each dollar that they entrust to the government for their retirement.

I would take this one step further by saying that taxpayers have the right to receive back each dollar that they entrust to the government for their retirement plus a reasonable rate of return. Most of the younger generation does not believe that social security will be around for them when it comes to their turn to retire. The system must be modified to ensure that it is or Social Security is just another tax.

3. Taxpayers have a right to expect the government to balance the budget without having their taxes raised.

Income taxes are just the tip of the iceberg. We are taxed for trash, water, gasoline, telephone, property, vehicles, you name it. If the politicians can find a way, they will slap a tax on it. At one time those taxes made “some” sense since they were established to support the items that were actually being taxed. However, as time went on, more and more taxes have found their way into the general fund instead of being used for the purpose for which they were intended.

So I have two suggestions:

First, if a tax is on a specific item, gasoline for instance, that tax money must be used for what it was intended to be used for – maintaining and building roads, bridges and other infrastructure.

Second, we must have a balanced budget amendment. That is the only way to ensure that Congress will propose budgets that are within our ability to pay for them out of our current income.

4. Taxpayers have a right to a simple, fair tax code that they can understand.

The current tax code is ridiculously complicated. So much so that approximately 60% of taxpayers pay someone else to prepare their taxes and that should truly not be necessary. In order to get better and more complete compliance with paying taxes we need to make the whole system much simpler and easier to use. For that reason, I strongly believe in a flat tax system.

Although I agree wholeheartedly with the above four proposals, it is interesting and amazing to me that a group composed of 100 House members have come forward with this “Contract” given the fact that they are probably a lot of the same people that are responsible for the 43% increase in the Federal budget over the last 5 years. It is, however, a step in the right direction.

I can and will guarantee that as President I will abide by the above policies and veto any bill (including budgets) that attempt to violate these principles. As I have stated before and will state again and again: my sole reason for this campaign is to do what is right for all Americans.

As always, please pass this email along to everyone you know and visit the website at We are in the process of developing some press releases to get the campaign wider exposure and if you can contribute to help us in doing that please do.


Frank McEnulty


03/26/07 5:13 PM

#298 RE: mcenulty #295

yes, a good example of that.

And even worse the loosing of regulations around mercury and other pollutants.