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09/11/01 10:01 PM

#3561 RE: smart_sassy #3556

Guilt and Innocence

Please don't tell me that you think Isreal is completely innocent in what has happened in the mid-east all of these years?

When an aggressor attacks a victim, the aggressor is guilty and the defendant innocent. Israel is just as innocent if not more so than the US.

was Graywolf

09/11/01 10:15 PM

#3566 RE: smart_sassy #3556

Sassy/RE: Moral Equivalency

Please don't tell me that you think Isreal is completely innocent in what has happened in the mid-east all of these years?

What I said is that they didn't start it - and neither did we. You can't play nice with people on jihad.

If it was Palestine who was responsible for this, they need to be punished. But, if we did not stick our nose in the mid-east affairs, maybe they would not retaliate against the US.

Would you have us butt out and let Israel be leveled? That would be the result. As someone else already pointed out, one of our "crimes" is selling military hardware to Israel. Even if we took no active roll in their defense, we'd be vilified for that.

But let us not get ahead of ourselves. While claim may point to Ben Ladin, we thought the same thing after Oklahoma City.

This isn't the style of domestics - they like to survive their bombings.


09/11/01 10:19 PM

#3567 RE: smart_sassy #3556

Sassy- Moral equivalency.

>>"But, if we did not stick our nose in the mid-east affairs, maybe they would not retaliate against the US."<<

What, would you prefer that we just stick our heads in the sand? A stronger proactive position would have been in order. We have already let these crazy assed Jihad factions gather far to much momentum and build way to much infrastructer. Where we need to excersise caution is in understanding that all Muslims are not part of an Islamic, fundamentalist, militant, faction. How would the world react to a new religous order, that was based on the principal, "Kill a Muslim go to heaven"?