Whats not good EYESWIDEOPEN is you need more info, are they consultants? I doubt NAEG randomly posted Rockwells advisors on their website, without any association. Find the association.
Rockwell Petroleum.....I don't know anything about. Your part about Eurowest Homes...this was discussed and posted several times, I don't remember who,but, a person tried to locate the office in Canada and as I remember did not have much success..however..later all issues concerning EuroWest Homes was solved to the satisification of those concerned at the time. There has been a lot of discussion on this board concerning this and I just did not understand why rehashing it all over again could do any good.
With out insult and glad to see your trying to do good DD, but if this company was a sham they would bve putting out PR every other day hyping the company. To date they post PRS about once a month and they are not the type of PRS that cannot be verified.