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03/21/07 8:30 AM

#10464 RE: learningboutinv #10462

re inflation

Guess they don't count housing costs or health insurance costs in there, as for health insurance, get rid of the lawyers and we get rid of the cost. Lotto thinking has made this impossible probably.......LOL controlled information to make the perception look good....Put a frog in a pot and gradually raise the heat and eventually you can boil them to death, even if they had the ability to jump out. The masses generally have very little knowledge and tend to believe the powers at be.
i.e. 6th sense thinking...I see stupid people, they are everywhere, they don't even know that they are stupid.

Anyway, I think they are more concerned about the dollar. They are between a rock ..........with no ability to lower rates without killing the value of the dollar. I don't understand fundamentals so my understanding is limited. Wondering if oil will spike up today and ......