billpr- here is a cut/paste for you
By: billpr $$$
Reply To: None Wednesday, 8 Aug 2001 at 5:11 PM EDT
Post # of 23521
OT: To All:
It has become apparent, at least to me, that we are not going to get any info regarding the SANDPIT..This acquisition became final in January 2001 and was projected to add 2.6M to revenue this fiscal year. A short footnote in the last 10Q mentioned that we are in some sort of litigation, but RTI does not expect this to adversely affect the overall business..We on the RB Board control millions of shares of RTI. While we may, as a group, not be the largest bloc, we are definitly significant...Therefore I am asking all of you who are interested, and agree, to sign on to a group e-mail to RTI asking the following questions:
1. Have we begun operations at the Sandpit? If not why not?
2. If the litigation is the problem, what is the status?
3. How much $'s have been spent on the Sandpit to date?
4. How much $'s have been spent on the litigation to date?
5. What is the short term business plan for the Sandpit?
I would further suggest that we ask KP to compose the e-mail,since he is our most gifted writer..If he agrees , we could get it done this weekend.. AND MOST IMPORTANT..if you agree that this is a proper approach you can authorize you RB alias to be signed on by posting your authorization for this action on the board..Pros@Cons are expected,please be gentle..EOM