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03/19/07 10:50 PM

#839 RE: boogaloo #838

Agree...the key for me on the RS and sell decision, is last year when Mr. B- made the $50million statement, he was basing it on discussions that were in the works. However, these discussions and processing into actual orders he now realizes takes much longer...meaning, the $50million question may still be realized, just not in the timeframe he had imagined. I'm ok w/ his slip up as all of this is brand new product, new innovations, and large sums of money being spent by companies always takes longer.

For now, I believe Mr. Burchill, $50million in revenue just need a few more $million sales, word gets out, quality service is provided, product satisfies and then others come knocking on your door.

Anyone here spend a $1000 on nansulate for their own house yet?