Yes, I think the fact that the company increased the A/S to 5 Billion shares has caused many to be leery and stay away. I've been quiet because I really have no information to base any speculation on. Until the company decides to address the issue NO ONE can state the reason for the increase, positively.
During the time I have followed the company, about a year now, they have not been a company that heavily dilutes thier stock. They have issued shares when in need of money to move a project forward but also have bought back when they have gotten results from the cash they needed. Of course that is what has happened in the past and not neccessarily what is happen now.
At this time I do not see evidence of massive dilution the Accumilation/Distribution line is still heading north. I am hopeful that Fred is not addressing the issue because he is in the middle of something big but like I stated, there is no way of knowing that at this time.