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03/18/07 8:05 PM

#67707 RE: wadegarret #67705

Provocative post from SI regarding some of the curent "dilemmas" in our economy......

To: elmatador who wrote (81556) 3/18/2007 5:20:33 PM
From: ChanceIs 3 Recommendations of 81569

>>>money and put it to make corn is far better than this money circulating within the financial services sector and generating nothing.<<<

Take a position on ethanol and you can find a research study to support it.

There are three factors regarding ethanol and wealth destruction which can't be denied:

1) It forces up the price of corn, beef, and God knows what else, causing reallocation of resources in a way which is far from clear to me as being of any economic benefit. No one would argue that we wouldn't be better off with more attic insulation or 1,000 pound carbon fiber cars. (Memo to self: By Wednesday morning, discover a way to morph CO2 into carbon fiber. I could no doubt get Gunnerman to market it whether or not it works.)

2) Ethanol production permanently wipes out a significant amount of irreplaceable crude/NG.

3) Ethanol (corn) erodes crop land - severely from what I understand.

Do financial services add value??? At a minimum the computerization of that sector has brought the cost to move money around way down. Can $1K pizzas be justified??? Of course not. Do they do what they do largely with impunity??? Most likely. Watch who ends up holding the bag when the musical chairs stop with the subprime mess.

One would have to figure that the infrastructure cost of an ethanol plant would be a lot less if you didn't have to provide rail for coal or a pipe for NG. Why not just use the ethanol to fire the stills??? Oh. That's right. You would be burning up valuable tax credits if you use that BTU content in the still rather than in someone's automobile. So hell, lets keep driving up the cost of coal and NG by making ethanol.

I used to consult to the Department of Energy on the nuclear weapons side. I have never seen such waste. It bothered my conscience. I always said about DOE, 'There are far less useless ways to spend money.' For example, we could build light passenger rails down the middle of I-95 - which nobody needs. We could fix the potholes in the road in front of my house - people don't seem to need a smooth road - they keep driving through - at rather unhealthy high speeds I might add.

Corn ethanol??? Financial services??? Potholes??? Take your pick.

There is no lack of dignity in fixing potholes. I think I would prefer that over working at DOE, pushing Enron to little old ladies, or running a corn still.

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03/18/07 8:12 PM

#67709 RE: wadegarret #67705

Wade - Fertilizer/Minig S&P 1325ish

Yara is a great Norway based fertilizer CO. Search my old posts for DD.

Go to Bobwins Junior Miner IHUB board: and see all of the recent picks there. The theory we have developed is to own near term producers, that is miners that have permits and are near the end of construction. Look at LBE.V, ADA.V and ROK.V for prime examples of multi baggers.

I still think we are in for another big leg down to test 1325 on the S&P etc. If that level holds I am back in all of my favorite commodity stocks.

Here is the chart I can't stop watching: It has been 100% predictive for 3 years.

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03/19/07 8:43 AM

#67728 RE: wadegarret #67705

OT: Wade, farm equipment should be strong here. corn prices are way up from last year so farmers should have considerable cash to spend this spring and summer. There are quite a few shiny new green tractors and harvest equipment around here. Tim