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03/17/07 5:40 PM

#22679 RE: bra1loga #22677

I agree. INXR is strong at this point and holding sideways is about over. If the BOD releases something significant the next few days, there will be another run up to the next level where INXR will go sideways for a while again settling in and gaining strength.

These first "step" runs are to get us up and running. When everyone knows what INXR is, and it is on everyone's radar because of INXR follow through and pps growth, then we will be taking many days of those .003 and .005 runs and hold it well as many new players arrive. If there are enough good pr's to follow, the runs will take on a life of their own and hopefully show good longevity. Just a matter of time. IMO

Someone at INXR really knows how to strategize the momentum plays so far. All that and I haven't even mentioned the quality product. This next week will tell us a lot. I imagine.
Good luck to all.....


03/17/07 6:37 PM

#22684 RE: bra1loga #22677

Whats scarier to me is strong moves like 200-300% before news come out. All newbies should be aware that group players will invest a good deal of money into a stock to cause it to rise throughout the day and usually dump/sell massively back by 2-2:30pm EST thus locking in a days profit at expense of other share-holders.

So far we have increased a tick a day (for the most part) since it was at $.0013.



03/18/07 4:29 PM

#22726 RE: bra1loga #22677

IMO...I think when some jaw dropping, LOL, juicy steak and potatoes PR does come out, that day there will be chaos buying and we will spike Up. It's inevitable!! But when the dust settles we will have taken a huge step up in PPS. And then it will happen again and we will be at a higher level again. Like the chart in front of the lady in the first Ifinix ad, the overall tendancy will be up with some spikes on the way. I don't think you can avoid that and I guarantee you there are a lot of day traders sitting on the sidelines waiting for that PR! ...Just my opinion...Any comments?...BTW..I saw a stock hit.005 last week and the bid and the ask started moving in .005 increments!! I hope that happens here when we hit .005!...GLTA!!!