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03/17/07 12:17 PM

#5214 RE: c a #5213

Sorry, just getting back in here from a week off. Didnt see that post, Ill get caught up on everything in a couple minutes.

How about sending him a Dr. Phil gift card for therapy. LMAO.

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03/17/07 1:10 PM

#5215 RE: c a #5213

Actually, you may be very close to the truth. I deal with people on a professional basis. There are some personality types that have been so ignored or abused that any attention, even if it's negative is better than none. They tend to be self-absorbed, very poor people skills, seek to be the center of attention, even if it's negative. Mainly because being a pain is the only way they can get people to notice them.

Anger, debate, only fuels them, since it's attention. These personality types need some serious care and attention, but for the sake of the immediate environment ignoring them and refusing to engage them at any level, will eventually get them to move on, seeking to become the center of attention elsewhere.

Who knows? The reality is there is no rational reason to obsessively post a negative view on an investment. Rational individuals believing there is no value in the play will move to something that has value. Investing clearly isn't the motive here.

Creating turmoil and agitation and forcing others to make them the center of attention seems to be.

That's my free counseling session for the day. Take it for what it's worth. For all the normal folks just trying to work a successful trade - GLTU