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03/16/07 9:49 PM

#24856 RE: Sekrah #24853


bring up this chart.

Do you notice the big purple area on the top indicator since 29 November? That is the large period of accumulation we are talking about.

Notice that it does get less during the past week? That is the disitribution you are referring to.

Would you say that the accumulation line is inconsistent with the CMF indicatior?


03/16/07 9:58 PM

#24858 RE: Sekrah #24853

As for stagnant pricing...

How many trades occured in each 1 minute period represented by the OHLC bar?

With a PPS of .0003, could the bid and ask have dropped from .0003/.0004 to .0002/.0003 and the price still be reflected at the Ask, not the Bid?

We have seen transactuon eexcute at .0001 yet the Bid/Ask was .0002/.0003 . Explain that in the chart?

I caution you not to read too much into an OHLC bar chart with 1 minute coarse intervals. You have to do the anaylsis on each trade to determine what is happening.