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09/09/01 10:14 PM

#3508 RE: smart_sassy #3504

Sassy- Re: Game over America.

>>"Oh wait - they have forgotten how to be compassionate, so I guess it is OK for you to as well !!"<<

The upcomming debate on capital gains relief will be the first real act of compassion he's shown towards me personally. Capital gains relief will be good for me and has the potential to stimulate the market, but I fear it will be percieved as just another give away to the already well off, thus further deteroriating the average working persons confidence in this administrations fiscal policy. But hey, that's not all together a bad thing is it?

Alas, once again we enter into an era of, "trickle on economics". With the windfall, I suppose I'll have to hire another illegal alien to help with the yard.