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03/16/07 2:38 AM

#2146 RE: bonded1 #2143

Well bonded you do have facts here to bad that they are wrong. 1 Skip Fredreckes was the producer on the show he has been replaced as of November the new producer is Del Weston. 2 FATDOG as Glenn Allen, you will have to take that up with him. 3 Craig Leitner is the CFO of the company that is why his name is on the Audited Finanicals


03/16/07 7:44 AM

#2148 RE: bonded1 #2143

Hey Bonehead1 or stan,

Where is your e-mail and phone number you cant be worried about letting everyone know it.

If your post was a ship it would sink its so full of holes. In your words you post "additional Facts" please get your facts correct. or dont post them as fact.

1. Skip hasent worked for the show since November check the January 3 PRNewswire.

2. If you give me your e-mail and phone number I have pictures in my hand of the car and owner on the web page. And its not Glenn Allen jr.

3. There is nothing legitimate about your posts I have shown flaws in all of them.

You still wont name the people you say you called that had shops next to the Reality Racing office. Have you been to 7300 Camino Real your self. No because if you did you would know your own statement was full of crap.

So once again Stanly "put up or SHUT up"


03/16/07 12:11 PM

#2156 RE: bonded1 #2143

For a guy claiming be be great at doing Due Diligence. I guess you need to go back and "Do" the diligence.
Skip Fredricks, Resigned from the company in October 06, to pursue a major motion picture that began pre-production in November 06 . The press release was posted on the RR site and in the Yahoo Biz Section. RR then brought in Del Weston another 'major' producer. With a long history in TV/Film to take over.
'oo' not like it was some big secret.
I also own stock in three other companies on the 'hub' it amazes me, that no matter how good or bad the other companies do, the people that post to those boards do not trash the company like some of the people on this board do.
Every time you speculate, and you speculate on the negative, you only hurt your own investment...of course unless that is what you want, so you can send the value of the stock into the gutter, and then buy it cheap?
I don't post much, but do read, and i have noticed in the lat few weeks, more an more people dropping off this board, and post by the same few over and over?