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03/15/07 10:19 PM

#588 RE: rdavis8325 #587

I know you...


03/15/07 10:55 PM

#589 RE: rdavis8325 #587

You probably have a lot of DD to do. I wouldn't even know where to begin. To ask a question about 'edgetech technology' is to imply such technology within edgetech truly exists; which i'm beginning to believe it does not. You can read the press releases, but that won't explain the 70% drop in stock value since alledged 'successful' showing for them. It won't explain what happened to the real estate deal, the airline deal, or the russian radioshack deal. I had to talk to the VP to get info and it appears at least half of what he says is outright fabrication. The real estate deal has been ignored, the airline deal crashed, and the Russian Radioshack deal is a pipe dream despite the VP saying a 'letter of intent' was on the table. They haven't sold unit one, and it doesn't look like they can even acquire the product. A fellow investor ordered one in January and still has not received any word on it. This is all just my take on the situation and of course you should do your own homework on this and come to your own conclusions. For me, this stock is making me bipolar. I've gone from optimistic to pessimistic and back again so many times I can't even remember. There's a convention at the end of the month.... It's supposed to be an important one for them. My bet is, they don't release anything anywhere close to a statement of revenue/sales or product commitment. We'll have to wait and see.