The absolute ONLY way out of this besides a very unlikey 4th and 30 Hail Mary from the company is to leverage the SEC via outside pressure.
Somewhere out there is a news medium, probably in the financial genre, that is either now working or looking to work a story about simmering to soon boil NSS controversy and how the SEC and DTCC is whistling while Wall Street burns. If someone really started digging here....every bit of detail..every days eqbm ticker for a year...cross referenced Hedges, MM's and SEC connections things would start to get real hot. Somewhere out there is a news outlet that knows what is going on and could use a story like this.
A likey scenario here can be anologized to the way pork is added to Congressional legislation. ie...the lastest Iraq spending supplement has an addition 20-30 billion added that has not even the remotest association with Iraq or war.
Here you had a SPAM DRAGNET.
Somewhere along the line a Hedge or Brokerage caught wind and got EQBM added to the spam list for obvious NSS reasons.