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03/10/07 12:43 PM

#2788 RE: mikeer69 #2787

100 stores in 4 years isn't all that big of a deal, honestly. I think UPZS could have that in 15 months, from now.

----> agree

Again, it's hard committments for stores. If you look at the real money folks have had to put down, there is some big cash riding on this. It isn't as if it's a handshake, but rather contractual with deadlines.....

----> franchise/equipment/renov's...along with cash flow....and the folks who are putting this up for Unique from what I've read are not riding on a shoestring but have fairly well established financial resources and again we have Bob Fidler lurking in the areas. Now we see him going to Carolina to see what's going on

It's all about cash-flow positive in my book. If they get there, JV understands marketing and is a helluva salesman, and he'll blow this thing out of the water in my view if he can stay solvent.

----> this is where Jim mentioned when he goes to the bigger (than bb) boards he will have funds therefore options to get there

"I wish I would've invested in: Domino's, CPK, CSCO, Wendy's, etc" ... Well, while I'm not making a direct comparison, folks, no risk, no reward! You can't sit on your couch and dream of living big and making big $$$ without risking your hard-earned capital.

----> I was one who saw those missed opportunities with SIRI/Dell/Yahoo/etc and decided to look for story stocks and I call those my accumulation stocks and UPZS is cleary in that category. They will either work out or not, but the risk is mine alone. I've taken some hits along the way to get to the successful ones (or even successful in a run)

A lot of the mgmt team have risked everything for JV, we've heard of law-offices being de-focused so we can have a great attorney, we've got former executives on board for a lot less money, great IT Officer working on a kick-a$$ system and giving us a lot of business edge thru technology - tell me none of these folks could write their own ticket in corporate america - they could! I'm certain JV appreciates this, and the hundreds of others that put up critical capital for him.

----> yes, and I continue to hear the stories of folks who gave up lucrative careers to join JV team. Will Newell worked on Wall St for 10 years, Harvard grad. Look at Bill Vowler background and educational background as well. And Jim's Mom was a business person also and she gave that up to join Jim. The Milwaukee father/daughter combo father was a big union leader....I think Jim mentioned car dealership owners folks out of Carolina, not sure. And the story goes on, yes I heard about the Lawyer as well giving up his career to join JV. Jim's brother was an original founder of a bank in Michigan, still works there. Nyberg/Pittorino are successful real estate developers. Bob Fidler was a successful investor of California Pizza from .40 bought per share to $32 sold and I believe they met Bob at one of the Nascar races. Right place, right time, great opportunity. Bob is partnering with Unique on the Dorchester Ave store in South Boston.

Of course UPZS isn't a guarantee, but if it was it would be fully-priced, very profitable, maturing, and the big money would have been made already by those folks who believed, that despite the endless questions (by me, and a lot of others), put up their money and took a calculated risk. They get the big rewards or they lose everything.

All we're doing now is keeping the mgmt honest

----> I never found them to be dishonest

, and moving forward. If it seems too easy and that the investors aren't watching closely, it's easier to do the following:

1) Dilute current shareholders
2) Become complacent about costs/cash
3) Lose focus on what is core to your business

We aren't a whiney group of punks, we are investors who are BACKING this start-up company

---->that's what I like about this group of folks on here, we all risked to be part of this startup pizza company with a savvy management group

, and we will have our say. Thanks to mgmt for allowing this. But... Execute your plan and make us $$$, that's what this is about... Kudos to those who don't invest in blinders, understand risk/rewards, and aren't afraid to respectfully ask a lot of questions regarding their investments!