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11/17/03 1:15 AM

#171621 RE: srexr #171609

Lyndon LaRouche is your expert on Federal accounting? Aw, geez, you're kidding, right?


King, Dennis. Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism. New York: Doubleday, 1989. 415 pages.

LaRouche started as a sectarian leftist and self-styled intellectual in the late 1960s. By 1973 cadres from his National Caucus of Labor Committees launched "Operation Mop Up" and began beating up rival leftist groups. Within several years the NCLC stepped over that thin line between sectarian leftism and the right wing, and was cooperating with the KKK, Liberty Lobby, and law enforcement officials. In the early Reagan years, LaRouche's anti-Sovietism found expression through his lobbying on behalf of Star Wars and his access to U.S. intelligence and other officials. His publications such as Executive Intelligence Review are taken seriously by journalists and investigators because of their demonstrated access to occasional inside information. At the same time, LaRouche's people are understandably regarded with a certain amount of healthy suspicion.

LaRouchian political theory is a mixture of Kant, anti-Semitism, and paranoic tirades against everything from British empiricism to Oliver North. It is something of a mystery how LaRouche funds his organization, which is also active in Germany. He was convicted in 1988 of conspiracy, mail fraud, and tax evasion (charges that grew out of his organization's sleazy fund-raising practices), and is serving a 15-year sentence. One suspects, however, that this clue provides a partial answer at best.
ISBN 0-385-23880-0


From Right-Wing Populism in America: Too Close for Comfort

by Chip Berlet & Matthew N. Lyons
New York: Guilford Press, 2000.

The LaRouchite Secret Elite Synthesis

The Lyndon LaRouche network, an offshoot of the radical student movement that metamorphosed into a fascist organization in the early 1970s, developed an idiosyncratic doctrine and approach quite different from other far-right groups.

Though often dismissed as a bizarre political cult, the LaRouche organization and its various front groups are a fascist movement whose pronouncements echo elements of Nazi ideology. Beginning in the 1970s, the LaRouchites combined populist antielitism with attacks on leftists, environmentalists, feminists, gay men and lesbians, and organized labor. They advocated a dictatorship in which a “humanist” elite would rule on behalf of industrial capitalists. They developed an idiosyncratic, coded variation on the Illuminati Freemason and Jewish banker conspiracy theories. Their views, though exotic, were internally consistent and rooted in right-wing populist traditions....


LaRouche's Antisemitic Conspiracism

While often described merely as conservative or extremist, the LaRouche organization and its various front groups are a fascist political movement with echoes of neonazi ideology.

The group"s ultimate leader, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., was jailed because his fundraisers sold unsecured securities to the elderly and because LaRouche paid no taxes while living in a Virginia mansion. LaRouche was sentenced in January, 1989 to fifteen years in prison after a federal court found LaRouche and six codefendants guilty of a mail fraud conspiracy related to fundraising. LaRouche was also convicted of tax evasion. On appeal, the U.S. Supreme Court let the convictions stand without comment. LaRouche was released in early 1994 after serving over five years of his sentence.

The LaRouchites generally operate under front groups such as Food for Peace and the Schiller Institute, and publications such as the New Federalist and Executive Intelligence Review.

In 1976 LaRouche's original electoral arm, the U.S. Labor Party (USLP), had published a conspiracist attack on President Jimmy Carter as a tool of international secret elites. Liberty Lobby had criticized the report for failing to mention the role of Jewish bankers, and soon LaRouche publications picked up the theme. Former staffers at the Liberty Lobby and the Lyndon LaRouche group claim both outfits soon began to cooperate closely on projects.

Spotlight later publicly distanced itself and Liberty Lobby from the LaRouchites over the issue of their questionable and illegal fundraising activities, but the groups share many similarities. They both see the world as controlled by secret elites involving a disproportionate array of banking families with "Jewish-sounding" names. Both claim Israeli intelligence and British intelligence polluted the CIA and U.S. foreign policy. Both depend heavily on the intellectual ideas of Spengler. Both promote producerism and divide capitalist control into productive industrialists and parasitic financiers. Many of LaRouche's ideas are lifted from Carto and earlier proponents of the antisemitic Judeo-Masonic-British conspiracist theory. The Liberty Library, a distribution arm of the Lobby, continued carrying LaRouchite publication into the mid 1990's.

The LaRouchite fixation on groups such as the Club of Rome may seem idiosyncratic, but in many cases they are repackaging earlier rightist conspiracy theories. In 1974, for example, the American Mercury, ran an article "The Curious Club of Rome," that asked archly if the ecology and population control group was "merely a bunch of boring pedants and doom-sayers, or is it a sinister cabal aiming for world control?"

The Babylonian Rabbi Pagan Cult

In the LaRouchite worldview, the oligarchic families of Great Britain are the font of all world evil. Over the years LaRouchite literature has maintained that political leadership in Great Britain is really controlled by banking families, especially Jewish banking families such as the Rothschilds, a standard antisemitic. While Jewish members of the LaRouche organization claim their mere presence is evidence that the organization cannot be antisemitic, this argument has not intellectual validity and falls in the face of substantial evidence that while coded, LaRouche philosophy is based on an antiemitic conspiracist theory.

The antisemitism of the LaRouchite organization is often well-hidden through convoluted conspiracist theories and obscure terminology, but despite its coded nature, a thorough reading of the LaRouchite literature reveals the central role a global and age-old conspriacy of "bad" Jews play in the LaRouchite worldview. LaRouche followers and representatives of the Nation of Islam have joined to present antisemitic public presentation describing an alleged conspiracy of Freemasons and the B"nai B"Rith to create and control the Ku Klux Klan. The LaRouche conspiracy theory links together Freemasons, the Ku Klux Klan and the Mafia in a conspiracy against Christian economics and science.

For LaRouche the conspiracy starts with Jews in Babylon.

"Before Christianity, there were established some very vicious Oriental cults in the area near Babylon. These cults led to the various manifestations of a particular form of cult called Manichaenism.The cult was spread by Venetian bankers...This pseudo- alchemic cult later called Freemasonic."

LaRouche and his minions elaborate on the conspiracy theory by tracing its alleged roots backwards through history.
"The evidence assembled from best sources also proves conclusively that all U.S. professional anthropology, as it is presently constituted, is an irreparable and willful hoax."

"Most of the so-called primitive cultures are permeated with philological and other characteristics which are degeneracies a case of massive degeneration of these peoples from and earlier, higher level of cultural existence."

"The conquest of advanced maritime-citybuilder cultures by backward "hordes" of relatively bestialized, more primitive, rural-pastoral people tended to occur whenever catastrophes weakened the maritime-littoral culture."

An ad in one magazine, claimed:

"The laws of Moses and related materials in the Old Testament are not part of Israelite religious tradition, but the product of international counterinsurgency operations in sixth and fifth century BC Babylon."

Now according to LaRouche, one of the vicious cults that came out of Babylon was modern Judaism:

"Although A.D. Judaism is an outgrowth of the development of Christianity there was a preceding Hebrew faith OF SORTS [emphasis in the original].The earlier, Hebrew doctrine is itself a syncretic hodge-podge of chiefly Mesopotamian legends. [Rabbi] Ezra"s Persian version of Hebrewism was, in turn, significantly influenced by an earlier, pre-Pentateuch version created in conformity with Babylonian edicts."

"From Ezra onwards, and even before, Hebrewism was an assimilationist doctrine developed to provide special juridical status (and ideological self-image) for a caste of merchant-userers within a pre-capitalist society."

"Judaism is not a true religion, but only a half-religion, a curious appendage and sub- species of Christianity."
"Judaism is ideological abstraction of the secular life of Christianity's Jew, the Roman merchant-userer who had not yet evolved to the state of Papal enlightenment, a half- Christian, who had not developed a Christian conscience."

"Judaism is the religion of a caste of subjects of Christianity, entirely molded by ingenious rabbis to fit into the ideological and secular life of Christianity. In short, a self- sustaining Judaism never existed and never could exist. As for Jewish culture otherwise, it is merely the residue left to the Jewish home after everything saleable has been marketed to the Goyim."

The entire LaRouche discourse above is designed to show that Jews are a "caste of merchant-userers" who have not yet developed a whole "Christian conscience" through "Papal enlightenment."

= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Quotes and ideas found in:

"The Case of Ludwig Feuerbach", Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., (under pen name L. Marcus), The Campaigner, December 1973.

"Should Anthropology As Well As Sociology Be Eliminated from University Payrolls?" Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., The Campaigner, September 1979, p.3.

"The Secrets Known Only To The Inner Elites," Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., The Campaigner, May-June 1978.

"Zionism Is Not Judaism" Editorial, The Campaigner, December 1978.

An ad in the July-August 1977 The Campaigner, "Next in Campaigner From Babylon to Jerusalem."

4) (my personal favorite <g>)

Oueen Elizabeth Behind The Ok Bombing - Lyndon Larouche


EIR} Talks'' interviews Lyndon LaRouche
May 11, 1995 Interviewer: Mel Klenetsky

MEL KLENETSKY: Welcome to ``{Executive Intelligence Review} Talks.'' I'm Mel Klenetsky, we're on the line with Lyndon LaRouche from Virginia.

How are you, Mr. LaRouche?

LYNDON LAROUCHE: Well, I just got back, I'm getting over the jet lag after the trip to Europe. But I enjoyed myself very much there. It was quite useful. Of course, being the kind of person that enjoys work all the time, makes it easier.


London's Role in the Oklahoma City Bombing

Q: Mr. LaRouche, I'd like to ask your assessment of the Oklahoma City terrorism incident. There is a second person who's been arrested, and, given your counterterrorism specialties, I'd like your overall assessment of that situation.

LYNDON LAROUCHE: Okay. First of all, the two guys who have been picked up so far, do represent a known capability. Now, it is my information, from several relevant sources, authoritative sources, that these guys and guys of a similar type, were not capable of constructing or deploying (that is, calculated deployment of) an explosive charge of the type that was used to wreck the building, so that this social group, typified by the accused McVeigh or the suspect this or the suspect that Nichols; these people and their similar types, could not have done the job. Someone like that, of course, could have driven a vehicle which had been prepared and delivered it according to instructions to a fixed location, things of that type. But it's obvious: These guys and similar guys or people they associated with, from their military background, Special Forces background, {could not have done the job.} This was done by people who were of a qualitatively much higher level of skill.

Q: Mr. LaRouche, let me ask you here one question about that. Since the explosives used are supposed to be easily obtained from local stores, ammonium nitrate--


Q: Nitrite and fuel, how is it that these individuals were not--

LYNDON LAROUCHE: Because it's a question of {shaping the charge.} An explosive is just an explosive.

Q: I see.

LYNDON LAROUCHE. {How you shape the charge} to produce a predetermined shaped effect, and {knowing} how to do it, and {knowing} where to pinpoint or focus the effect of the charge on the structure of the building, which means you have to know someting about these kinds of things as well, is all involved. That charge was designed with great sophistication and shaped and placed with great sophistication.

Forget the ammonium nitrite and the oil and so forth. That's not important. That's just an explosion, and that's one which is difficult to trace. That's its significance. But this was a shaped charge, which these guys could not have done. And no one like them could have done it.

Now, what's the significance? The significance is that the way the thing occurred, with this McVeigh. McVeigh was identified by some witness earlier, according to reports, as being in Oklahoma City, and driving the same vehicle in which he was apprehended later, before the explosion. When he was apprehended, he was picked up, because, according to the report, the vehicle did not have license plates on it.

Wel, it had license plates when he was driving it in Oklahoma City. Driving without the license plates, {of which he was probably not witting,} was the surest way in the world to get picked up under those circumstances by an ordinary interception by highway police; and that's how he was picked up, according to the reports.

The result of the focus upon these guys, Nichols and McVeigh and so forth, has resulted in letting the trail go cold on the guys we really should have been after. And they still aren't the guys. But that's one side.

{Who} designed the explosive, who got these two patsies or one patsy or whatever involved in the thing in order to help create a diversionary trail away from the real perpetrators?

This is a terrorist act. Now, a terrorist act is a psychological act which has a political context and a political character, whereas the bomb as such does not have a political character. Why was it done? What effect is it trying to produce? That's all terrorism is trying to produce: a psychological-political effect, like warfare.

Well, the ground was prepared, first of all, by the British, specifically by Lord William Rees-Mogg and his accomplice, Davidson, through their little Taxpayers' Union, which is a Mont Pelerin Society outfit. The political profile of the forces in the United States which are working closely with Rees-Mogg's neo-conservatives, are the same people who, like Rush Limbaugh, have been targetting President Clinton, and, in a sense, setting him up to be a target by all kinds of kooks in this country.

The people who led the misdirection after the explosion, in trying to get forces to chase somebody else other than the actual perpetrator, that is, the actual, real perpetrators, not the patsies, was the same Rees-Mogg and his friends, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, the same people who are after the President.

So the only political setting of that explosion, is the one created {before} and {after} the act by the Canadian-based Conrad Black of the Hollinger Corporation news syndicate, and by the London {Times's}former chief editor Rees-Mogg, along with Conrad Black's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. So we do know who is {politically exploiting} the explosion, who was {prepared} to exploit the explosion {before} it happened, and who followed up in the same manner {after} it happened, and whose effect was to deliver a message which the British are still repeating in their
press today, and which also had the additional advantage of {diverting the attention} of law enforcement people away from the real problem into spending most of the time, up until the recent period, checking out all of these ``militia types,'' so called, and then coming up with an answer that none of these guys could have been capable of preparing a charge and placing it with that sopistication.

And where are the guys who did it? Oh, the trail long went cold. It may not be as bad as that, but that's the picture you get.

So, here we are, a case of this faction of the British Empire, the British monarchy, prepared and exploited a terrorist act against the United States, a terrorist act of military intelligence sophistication, way above the Special Forces level; and they're the ones who benefitted. And that's the kind of problem to which the President was referring in his address at the university in Moscow. This is the enemy. The President was diplomatic and did not mention {London}; but I'm certain that the President knows the British monarchy is the party that is responsible for this and other present, recent past, and possibly future events of a similar gory quality.

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LaRouche, speech, "Our Fight for the Christian-Platonic Method in Science," The New Federalist, September 16, 1991, p. 9.