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08/28/24 8:25 PM

#675 RE: staypuff #674

It won't happen without a class action. I have a lawyer waiting to see what happens in the next month.
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08/28/24 8:42 PM

#676 RE: staypuff #674

It isn’t as easy to raise capital for expansion when your not public. Then your payback is in terms. It’s easier to print shares as it doesn’t cost you anything but dilution. I don’t believe that is the route they are going. He wants to build it up and sell the whole thing. That’s what these pigs do.
It’s possible GTC is spun off somehow as I know a lot about the company and it’s creator Phipps. I think he would be happy to ride into the sunset with his company. But that’s just my personal opinion and nothing I was told.
Guess we will see as things start to transpire.
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08/29/24 9:51 AM

#678 RE: staypuff #674

Really, you actually think Charlie and Barretto and even Frost, wants to see their investments shrink even more? They have already put like $20 million into the companies.