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02/28/07 11:48 PM

#265808 RE: The OTHER Frank #265807

Well Frank Hagen, you still are around.

Remember and I were going to serve on the Panel which Mr Fan was putting together to try and make things right.

Your buddy Tony called me and between the two of you, I actually thought that some justice may be served (I did not think money would be recovered) yet that was all a pile of BS.

Frank Olsen and his buddies did one thing over the years, they educated some of us to recognize BS. (For some, it was a costly education.)

What ever happened to that Panel?...It was another of L. Fan's lies, and because of it, many people weren't willing to roll over and be Fan's patsies...we came to realize that Fan is a fool! When you talk to him, tell him I said fact, let me give it to you in a manner which even he will understand..

1...L. Fan is a FOOL
2. L. Fan is a Unhonorable person
3...of all the people who Frank Olsen took advantage of, L. Fan lost the most money
4...while some of us who Frank Olsen took advantage of decided to try to recover our loss though honorable and legal methods, L. Fan tried to recover his loss by ripping off others.
5...those who attach themselves to L. Fan is as unhonorable as he is.

All of this is my opinion of L. Fan and those who work for him
Charlie T
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03/01/07 5:37 AM

#265816 RE: The OTHER Frank #265807

"By the way NEEDDIAMONDS -- Saddam is dead. Therefore so is your logic."
Thats the point. I have no proof who you are. I am a shareholder have proved that in the past. I wished I was a paid basher then I wouldn't be in the hole more then you are.

You had the chance to leave. By your own words many months ago. You stayed on. you should of taken the first loss and left.

If you are real. You were in the inside and should of seen the bills for the plazma tvs and the money in the bank was not there,

Why did you come on this board then and SaY GUYS you should all sell because I am seeing bad things going on. Big spending ect.

So you either kept quite because you were greedy, didn't care,or were too stupid to know what was going on.

Which is it?

You were never for the shareholders. Dont start now