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Replies to #68655 on Bible (Bible)
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08/08/24 10:51 AM

#68656 RE: plugger #68655

Good morning...and i agree totally plugger....and because i have the time ...wink...ill say the same thing you just said but in a different way and add some stuff......

I know this is no newsflash…but as we all know… There are many versions of the Holy Bible… as for me… I use NKJV… NASB… ESV… NIV… NLT...whatever it takes for me to understand and hear what God has to say to me. I'll go ahead and say it just to get it out-of-the-way… I'm not one of these people that believes it's KJV only or you're going to hell…There I said it. And as we often like to say… God's word… The Holy Bible…for born again believers… It is our owners manual of life. And we know as born again believers…from the time that we are saved…and at that time we are justified…God declares us not guilty by the blood of Jesus…we spend the rest of our life in the sanctification process. And the more we read the Bible…the more we listen to sermons…the more we are in communion with God through prayer…talking to Him…and listening…God molds us more and more into the likeness of Jesus…that's what sanctification is all about. And we learn through our walk with Jesus…the more we become like Him...the more our faith grows…our head knowledge and especially our heart knowledge grows...and through the power of the Holy Spirit we have this little thing called discernment…that enables us to hear and see things…and be it by false prophets or wolves and sheep clothing… be visual or written…we learn to not just take anybody's word for anything ... be they in the pulpit or Sunday school or a Bible study…we learn to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us when we hear things that are supposed to be spiritual and biblical and helps us to realize if it's truth or untruth. And as we know…there's no better place to go…when we hear anybody talking about anything to do with the Bible…the gospel of Jesus Christ…Is to go and open our own Bible and investigate what we've heard to see what is true and untrue. Now what I'm gonna say I'm gonna say just to make a point…but asking God for wisdom every day…to understand and fight the battles like it talks about Ephesians 6…and putting on that full armor of God…is where our success is going to come from. As we know…all you have to do is turn the TV on to the channel TBN…and yes there's several good preachers on there I listen to a handful of them… But there's a bunch of false prophets and wolves and sheep clothing on there too. But it's not just on the TV and radio… It's in real life also…my opinion… I believe that satan is standing in the pulpit and the Sunday school class and Bible studies all around the world…because he has blinded the people that sit and stand before him and are being lead astray like sheep being lead to the slaughter…and the slaughter here is the pits of hell. So yes plugger...absolutely!!! We have to be on guard and pay attention and investigate what we see and hear!

And a verse to look at thats kinda sorta the same thing but in a different way evident by what is happening in many churches... and... a topic for another day....

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.
2 Timothy 4:3-4