The Mustard seed parable is GREAT, I suppose it all boils down to how this speaks to each of us. A devotion I read some time ago put my "P" Bain in gear and this parable has won a place in my heart and mind.
"If only I had more faith----I could serve the Lord like the more important folks In my church....if I had more faith I could_________, fill in the blank on how this applies to you or your excuse for stepping back rather than stepping up. Jesus said the amount of faith is not important ----"I tell you the truth , if you have the faith as a small mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move---nothing will be impossible for you." A mustard seed is about 1/32nd of an inch, yet it grows into a tree.
If only I had more faith-----maybe I, maybe you, maybe many other Christian folks miss the boat by over looking many opportunities to share the gospel just because we worry about having a lot of faith and all the while we over look the mustard seed faith we have. We read and think we believe Philippians 4 where Paul wrote "All things are possible through Christ who's strengthens me"-----As Christians we need to put that mustard seed faith to work. My Bible is full of examples where one thought they "could not"-- yet they trusted in God and "they did"-------I have said many, many times that I have strong faith--but--since I focused on the mustard seed parable it points out to me just how small my faith really is. I am a Christian, I believe, yet I really need to work on "ME" and if I do that I just don' have time to pass judgment on others
GOD BLESS & have a very Blest Day