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Jimmy Joe

07/19/24 12:13 AM

#159 RE: PennyPusher786 #158

unfortunately, it will take a great suffering to humble everyone and we are at three cusp of that

The "great suffering" to humble people may be the end of the age. That unfortunately may be in the cards if the Heritage Foundation gets their wish.

I think all people must return to faith, whether through Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism etc and come back to having interfaith discussions amongst one another to pursue and uphold the laws.

BINGO~! That would be a pleasant happening wouldn't it~?

The Qur'an says, no people are special over another

Another excellent point. 100%~!

Not going to quote any verse or scripture from the bible, but this is a very scary time. 1930s Germany~? IMO very close. We are all of different cultures, religions, races...... but we are all human. 99.8% genetically identical to Chimpanzees. All of us.
Makes one wonder with all that is going on in the world and right here in the States.

Been saying it since 2016 up until 2020....... a clear and present danger to not just the United States but to the world at large. The hate is VERY evident.

The book of revelations is a prophecy~? I dunno....... but it sure looks like people value material goods more than themselves doesn't it~? Ya think population, global warming, climate change, out stripping natural resources and food supply should be issues~? Some people scoff at the idea. They reject science, the news, education, and thrive on conspiracies and natural cycles as being the truth. The experts and scholars are wrong. A dope who couldn't pass his tests and had someone take them for him is the brightest bulb in the package. A failure at everything, yet people believe the opposite because he says so over and over and over. Money and a pure power play is all this is about anymore. Without WallStreet Bets and Reddit blowing the whistle on $GME then on $AMC and other MEME stocks the banks would be doing what they do without anyone being the wiser. CrAzY~!

Yep, buckle up buttercup........ I've lived through the best of times. People are going to have to learn how to survive and do without the latest and greatest just like my parents did and their immigrant parents did before them.
People now-a-days are ill equipped to do so. How to skin wild game may be the order of the day, not looking up how to do it on YouTube.

And you are right as rain........ people need to start going back to church, synagogue, mosque, temple......... and values we held before must be adhered to again. I miss the Leave It To Beaver/Father Knows Best days.

Today anything goes including dismissing Democracy. our Constitution, and people's rights.
Scary times...... I'm older but don't want to see anything more happen. January 6th was enough for me and it wasn't a "dust up" non event. That my friend was an attempted coup against this great nation and all it stands for.
My opinion and I stand firmly behind it as did my father in WWII.


Hope $BNED shoots the moon. Could stand to buy some gold before it gets to much higher.
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Jimmy Joe

07/19/24 12:47 AM

#160 RE: PennyPusher786 #158

Excellent post. It is funny how the Qur'an, the Bible, and other books of other faiths are similar in what they teach.

And even with the diversity of religion comes a common denominator.

I'm Catholic but have an open mind to other religions as well. Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Judaism, mine........ all kind of interwoven. The American Indians also had some beliefs I gravitate to. All things living have a spirit.

Really enjoyed that. Thanks~!

Getting back to $BNED I see that the share structure looks like this:
From Yahoo (take that with a bag of salt)

Avg Vol (3 month) 3 552.91k
Avg Vol (10 day) 3 645.68k
Shares Outstanding 5 26.21M
Implied Shares Outstanding 6 26.21M
Float 8 12.69M
% Held by Insiders 1 59.58%
% Held by Institutions 1 20.47%

If this is anywhere near accurate then I am pretty confident something is going to happen here. Nice price rise today and volume was decent.