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07/05/24 9:20 PM

#114134 RE: researcher59 #114131

TSLA selling at 100 years of future earnings

to reach current value is really cheap

compared to ARM selling at around

225 years of future earnings,

if ARM keeps making 200 million/quarter...

A future with no guarantees...

ARM pricing reflects the utter Casino

pricing atmosphere of Ai...

And some druggies must have picked it

to add it to the Nasdaq 100...

A lot of folks watching the Ai pump will have

no sympathy when their prices crash...

Like, like, they think folks need it,

when the world is on tech overload already...

It seems like they are smoking some good

chit after their pump and dump of weed

stocks for a few years...

Their pump and dumps get bigger...

TSLA no longer gets free ride Gov't tax

rebates to stay afloat since other companies

are now selling more EVs...

TSLA has likely seen it's best days...

my wag is cash flow problems ahead...

So we watch...LJ
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07/06/24 12:02 AM

#114135 RE: researcher59 #114131

r59: TSLA
I guess it is an example of what former Fed. Chair Alan Greenspan called "irrational exuberance"! I am not seeing many new Teslas on the road. Last year, yes. This year, no.
This is anecdotal, of course.
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07/06/24 12:10 AM

#114137 RE: researcher59 #114131

U.S. 7% to 25% inflation on China imports

coming in to use pretty often...

EVs sold in small amounts were likely

thrown in to keep attention off the much

bigger import used items,,,

solar, aluminum, steel, etc...

Europe also added 17% to 37% inflation

on EVs imported there...TSLA in a stall mode

doesn't get them exempted on fair field...

China will reply to this trade war tactic...

China could pass export levy to push

up rare earth mineral prices by 20 fold

and double price of solar exports to markets

that are adding new tariffs on their exports...

A FED asleep at the switch could miss all

this new inflation brewing and not raise rates

more to get ahead of it...

When Obama passed tariff on China tires,

U.S. tire companies soon almost doubled

their prices after it happened,

Was a tire shopper even back then, so

easily got caught by the higher prices...

China having lower input costs by having

more raw materials and newer automation

in manufacturing isn't their fault,

and we will pay more for tariff actions...

So we watch...LJ
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07/06/24 8:29 PM

#114144 RE: researcher59 #114131

TSLA: we are like frogs in the self defined well in many aspects.
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07/07/24 10:50 AM

#114147 RE: researcher59 #114131

TSLA up 50% is irrational & exactly why I can't

play many of the large cap stocks. It seems there are a huge amount of stocks that go up for little or no reason. To me this illustrates how much manipulation there is in general. For me, I can't find any large cap stocks that are cheap enough for me to want to own right now. I mean AMZN(PEG ratio of 1.5) maybe.

Re, you know that my style is generally to own 5 stocks or less. This isn't just because I don't want to own more stocks, but that as a trader, at any particular time, I don't see many stocks that have more than around 10% upside. I mean I don't like playing anemic daily dollar volume with huge bid/ask spreads, which takes almost all micro cap stocks off the table. My strategy is to find stocks that have 20%+ short term upside, that have enough liquidity to easily get in and out of(even $200K+) quickly, without making the stock move more than 1%.

If you notice, almost every stock I play has daily dollar volume of $2M+. KEQU has been a recent pick, and even as good as the fundamentals are, with daily dollar volume of only $400K-$500K or so, how much can you own ? Also KEQU, bid/ask spreads are prohibitive at 5%+ almost all the time ! So if you want to quickly sell even 1000 shares of KEQU, I guarantee you, you will lose 5%-7%. This is even worse with stocks like ETCC, which only do $40K daily dollar volume, with bid ask spreads of 3%+. I mean I had 25K shares of ETCC, and just sold all shares at once at $`1.84, as someone offered 30K there. However it's rare for anyone to bid more than 400 shares of ETCC, so one would likely lose 15%-20% trying to quickly get out of 25K shares normally !