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06/22/24 3:00 PM

#41259 RE: boston745 #41258

Bird flu map shows unprecedented spread as expert warns future pandemic inevitable

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the risk to the general public is “low” but it is “watching the situation carefully and working with states to monitor people with animal exposures.”

Since 2022 there have been four reported human cases, the most recent three - all this year - following exposure to infected dairy cows. The risk is tempered by the fact that it doesn’t spread easily among humans.

But public health officials fear that could change. Just recently former CDC director Dr Robert Redfield told NewsNation: “I really do think it’s very likely that we will, at some time, it’s not a question of if, it’s more of a question of when we will have a bird flu pandemic.”

And writing in the New York Times, Dr Jennifer B Nuzzo, an epidemiologist and director of the Pandemic Center at the Brown University School of Public Health, warned that the virus “could mutate to gain the ability to infect people more easily.”

That would “likely cause a new pandemic.” With the disease proving fatal in around half of the nearly 900 people known to have contracted the H5N1 strain of the virus worldwide since 2003, bird flu is “typically more dangerous than the viruses that cause seasonal flu and COVID-19.”

Meanwhile, outbreaks of H5N1 have been detected in 525 counties and 48 states. The CDC says almost 97 million birds have been affected since January 2022 when the first H5 viruses to be found in the US since 2016 were detected.

The virus has also spread to 92 dairy cow herds in 12 US states.

Another pandemic wouldnt help Sintx and Cardinal Health sell some PPE products and capture some of that market im sure.
These PPE products need to already been on market before bird flu turns into an actual pandemic. The infection kill rate is 50% so far which is really really bad.


Meanwhile there has been a conspiracy of hedge funds shorting and distorting Sintx/SINT/AMDA since 2015 that anyone can verify. Isnt it funny TA that your account appeared at the same time as Anson's family of funds and that you consistently post blatant lies on ST? The only thing you dont seem to lie about is the stock going down which you seem to help make sure happens with your deceptive posts.

This posts shows that there is a family of funds connected to the Anson Group and how those funds took turns participating in Sintx stock offerings over the years. A conspiracy of shorting and distorting.

This post shows how this group of funds work together to short offerings and buy them so to circumvent rule 17 CFR § 242.105a - Short selling in connection with a public offering. That said, they do appear to be violating the rules on trading material non-public information.

I go into some of the evidence of this in the February 2023 offering where they drove the price up & naked shorted it down. Ansons family of funds participated in every offering in 2023 up to the recent RS. Anson and the other funds its associated with are known for their short and distort actvity and are under investigation by the DOJ. SEC slapped it with a ticket fine basically that will in no way discourage its shorting and distorting methods.


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