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06/20/24 3:00 PM

#796125 RE: navycmdr #796120

all interesting

just announce and EO to suspend for 12 months the Guarantee Fees FNMA collects

note this should drop mortgage rates 10% or a full half point

more to follow in 2025

just do it -- (still do not understand why DJT did not smash BO and NWS and help us -- and now it is JOE that does not see the opportunity)


06/20/24 3:14 PM

#796127 RE: navycmdr #796120

It’s all executive branch- Biden is not surrounded by experts with the bandwidth to get this done.

- from Pagliara's X response -

Certainly NOT what Pagliara was saying over the past year about Biden and his administration regarding FnF - especially with the addition of Jared Bernstein and Lael Brainard (those two appointments really belly-flopped). Admittedly, NOBODY has an inside track on what will be done or even what this administration (or previous administrations) are even thinking about with this mess, but his vocal certainty sure didn't age well, and Bradford's continual loyal parroting didn't do much for him either.

This administration is good at spending and give-a-ways. Housing policy not so much

Pagliara got this part right, but who doesn't know this ...

Wise Man

06/20/24 3:44 PM

#796130 RE: navycmdr #796120

No, it"s not the President. It's the Congress, since the Treasury chose a 3-option Privatized Housing Finance System revamp for the release from Conservatorship in 2011.
13 years in the making.