"After all, up to now, the real history of Jews and Palestinians"
This is where anti-Zionism overlaps anti-semitism, it's actually the history of Israelis and Palestinians, a lot of Jews don't live in Israel, some don't even like the place a little, right? And a fair portion of Israelis aren't even Jewish. So what happens when you conflate Israelis with Jews, without qualifications?
There's quite a large Russian immigrant population in a neighborhood in Brooklyn, Brighton Beach. We've gone to restaurants there, it's a local travel destination, bottles of vodka put on the tables, a good time. When Russian invaded Ukraine, though, there were no attacks on Russian owned businesses there or on Russian churches or on predominantly Russian schools in the area.
When the war started between Hamas and Israel, I saw beefed up security outside Jewish day schools and synagogues in Manhattan, Jewish owned stores have been targeted for protests and disruption. These all might have only a tangential relationship with Israel, if any. Anti-semitism is back in vogue, to what degree is unclear.
That first line, right up top here, is why. The conflation of Israel and Jews inevitably leads to attacks on Jews in America and Europe, when Israel is perceived to be misbehaving.
: “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism.” - Rev Dr. Martin Luther King. I didn't say it he did, take it up with him.