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06/14/24 2:43 PM

#479820 RE: brooklyn13 #479817

UN finds more evidence of sexual violence committed by the IDF against men, women and children in Gaza

Those who spread the Oct 7th mass rape claims are gonna condemn this, right?
Jun 13, 2024

You will be unsurprised to hear the UN has found more evidence of systemic sexual abuse against Gazan men, women and children, and no evidence that Israeli authorities have taken any measure to prevent such acts, despite their legal obligation to do so.

Journalist Muhammed Shehada of Euro Med Monitor broke down on Twitter how groups of men, women and children were forced to strip together in public and pile their clothes into a ball, then walk with their hands up between checkpoints. They were told that anyone who refused to comply would be shot.

Naked women were groped by Israeli soldiers, and those who refused to strip were beaten and detained and told their children would be shot. Valuables were stolen by the IDF and homes were trashed.

In one disturbing incident, two teenage boys were forced to strip and dance while they were filmed by a laughing female soldier. How the hell is this anything other than paedophilia?

Israeli soldiers are reported to be vandalising women’s rights offices in Gaza and graffitiing sexual insults. Strangely, I’ve always been told Israelis are the ones who respect women’s rights and it’s the barbaric Arabs who abuse women. Have I been lied to by Zionists again? Oh well, it’s only like the first time since yesterday that’s happened.

The evidence for violence against Gazans is not just sexual in nature, of course. Al Jazeera has obtained footage of summary executions of civilians in “safe zones” that include stopping people on the beach and shooting them dead while they’ve got their hands up. Let’s not forget that Israel has declared Al Jazeera a terrorist organisation due to this type of reporting.

If Al Jazeera was banned everywhere, we would have no idea this had even happened. Just think how much worse this would be if Israel was allowed to carry out its genocide in full darkness. I doubt there would be a single Palestinian left, given how cruel they’re prepared to be even when we’re looking.

I saw harrowing footage of a child amputee playing on the beach on the stumps where his feet used to be, waving arms missing hands. Israel has left well over a thousand children like this since the war began. The cruelty is unbearable and we’re not seeing the slightest indication that Israeli leaders are trying to reduce this cruelty.

Israel ran a paid ad on Twitter saying there are no innocents in Gaza, meaning they don’t consider children to be innocent. This is a view Israeli officials have expressed repeatedly on television. The concept of collective guilt is obviously genocidal and was used against Jews during the holocaust. Israel was prepared to pay for the concept of collective Gazan guilt to be displayed on as many screens as possible, but it would jail Al Jazeera journalists for showing footage of the IDF’s summary executions.

Israel deleted the post when it was called out, but it’s just the latest example of Israel signalling to the world how it views Palestinians. As I stated earlier, you will struggle to find examples of Israel speaking out against sexual violence, summary executions and other war crimes committed by its solders, but you will find plenty of evidence of Israel using language to justify such behaviour.

If Israel’s arms suppliers had even an ounce of a conscience, they would condemn this kind of rhetoric (and, of course, the violent actions), but even as a UN investigation has found Israel guilty of the crime of extermination, our leaders stand by Israel.

“In relation to Israeli military operations and attacks in Gaza, the Commission found that Israeli authorities are responsible for the war crimes of starvation as a method of warfare, murder or wilful killing, intentionally directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects, forcible transfer, sexual violence, torture and inhuman or cruel treatment, arbitrary detention and outrages upon personal dignity.”

Is this UN commission anti-Semitic, just like the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice and all the human rights groups and the teams of lawyers who are giving western governments legal advice they’re choosing to ignore? How many more credible bodies have to spell it out?

When a UN resolution called for the US ceasefire proposal to be implemented about three days ago, the resolution stated that Israel had already agreed to the proposal and Hamas must now do so, but this was not entirely accurate.

Hamas immediately said they welcomed the UN resolution and Israel said they wanted to continue fighting until Hamas was destroyed! Netanyahu even pre-empted the resolution, saying: “We will not agree to any deal that leads to ending the war.” So naturally, Blinken laid into Hamas for blocking peace by wanting a permanent ceasefire rather than a cessation in fighting.

These reptiles would not turn their backs on Israel, even as the last civilian was eliminated from Gaza. As the rubble from the last building was cleared, Zionists would still say “there is no genocide” and Biden would tell us “Israel has a right to defend itself” while Starmer expelled anyone from Labour who suggested Israel might have gone a bit far.

If you’re wondering why we have such an institutionalised problem in the west, it’s because the people speaking out are weak and disorganised. The worst people are organised and show solidarity with one another while the rest turn against each other and waste energy infighting.

Even progressive hero Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been laying into people protesting against genocide and atrocity propaganda. An event commemorating the Nova Festival included messages calling for the extermination of Palestinians, but I’ve not seen evidence of AOC calling out these words like she called out the protesters.

It should not need to be pointed out the people who oppose genocide and the people who call for more genocide occupy two very different moral universes. Not a single shred of energy should be wasted criticising those who are trying to stop genocide, even if you disagree with their methods. Your only focus should be on trying to stop the genocide any way you can.

AOC is playing the same game as the British soft left of sometimes criticising Israel, but ensuring she stands in solidarity with Zionists, shouting down anyone making a real impact. All this accomplishes is dividing the anti-war movement, and the pathetic thing is, once the damage has been done, liberal Zionists will turn against AOC anyway. Biden might pat her on the head for doing his dirty work, but that’s only because she is currently serving a purpose. She is his useful idiot… for now.

AOC does not seem to understand the fundamental principle that appeasement never works and you certainly cannot appease mass murderers. The problem is the soft left never learns the importance of solidarity because their careers are too important to them, but solidarity is the only way justice can prevail.
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06/14/24 3:10 PM

#479821 RE: brooklyn13 #479817

Yes. Hamas directly murdered 35+ thousand innocent Palestinians with their high tech military might.
Anyone but bebe and israel.
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06/14/24 3:11 PM

#479822 RE: brooklyn13 #479817

Once again, I doubt you can find many who actually support HAMAS in America, and even the world, of course I did not consider many areas of the middle east who probably do support Hamas.

But when you sit back and continue to make the same argument that since Israel did not start the war, they have every right to just continue to bomb the shit out of Gaza.

Again, only Hamas is ever at fault, but then I even remember my protest days against Vietnam War. Where is the body count. Each night America kept racking up these huge body count, only to discover years later that is what we were doing to justify this endless war in Southeast Asia.

I will put this to you as nicely as I can, it is now one year later, or maybe two years later, just when will Israel be satisfied that Hamas is no longer a factor.

I say this because Hamas will never go away, Israel keeps breeding new Hamas fighters with each passing day. What alternative does Hamas have. Israel by your own words can never be wrong in whatever they do in Gaza. They have proven that with each passing month. I think this is the ending of the ninth month of fighting. Guess what, Gaza is a shit show. Everyone in the world gets to see each day, Israel with all of its firepower still has not won the war for Gaza. They never will, and that is the argument all of keep trying to get across to you. Just like America in Vietnam, there comes a moment when you wake up and discover the war is now unwinnable.

It has become unwinnable because Israel has no plan to win the war, they never did. They use the argument about not until all of the hostages are free. Then what, everyone stops fighting. Even if the hostages came home today, Hamas will still be there, they are proving their point. Israel does not care about Gaza or the people who live there, they never did. That is the point Hamas is making.

Israel has never cared about the actual people who live in Gaza, that is another reason why Hamas will never stop attacking. Congratulations you just learned why many of us are tired of this approach to solving the problems of the world. It never works.
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06/14/24 8:20 PM

#479875 RE: brooklyn13 #479817

brooklyn13, Can you imagine how anyone who knows you would react on reading your,
"More Zionist b.s. from WaPo, actually why bother to read it, your mind is made up."

No doubt from the beginning of this latest round of war crimes, this time with some
from Hamas thrown in, rather than virtually all Israel's, whose mind has been rock.

Tell us why exactly Hamas still refuse the peace plan. Am thinking there could be some parallels with Ukraine
knocking back Putin's peace plan. What do you think. Some 9,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails, for one.
Escalating murder in the West Bank, for two. What do you think. What are Hamas conditions
Israel won't accept.