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Dragon Lady

06/08/24 10:57 AM

#90708 RE: tdbowieknife #90707

Bingo again !!!

Lol... Brett twisting away. He says, "enough information" The Judge says the information provided failed to prove Stickland is qualified to serve as receiver. I saw what was provided. And the Judge likely came to the same conclusion as I. That it was a very poor attempt to bullshit the Judge into letting Brett gain control through a partner in crime.

Everything he twitted is utter bullshit. Lies. Brett has got to know how receivership is supposed to work.

Yepper X1000 !!!!

The ONLY thing DIRTY BRETT does "reliably" is twist, distort, F-with and "word-smith" the TRUTH !!!

The dude word-smiths (Lies) like master artists work in clay or oil paint....LMAO.....:))

You nailed it spot on - the judge DID NOT say "Well, we just need some more paperwork here as to this Strickland jack ass...sooo... you can just slip that in w/o another hearing or motion" blah blah blah.... (as is being pumped on Stocktwits fueled by aliases/cons of Rosen-SCUM) !

Judge said "NOT QUALIFIED" and saw through the hustle like tissue paper - and it's not a "Just resubmit some form to my clerk on the side bro" as is ALSO being pumped on the Stocktwits sewer channel.

They must RE-FILE THE MOTION as a NEW MOTION and "get on calendar" to be heard etc.

"My guess" again - is the judge said to counsel, "I'd strongly suggest sir, CHOOSE A SAN DIEGO LOCAL RECEIVER" and if you need assistance ask my Clerk and they have a "LIST OF KNOWN and WELL ESTABLISHED PROFESSIONAL SAN DIEGO BASED RECEIVERS WHO WORK WITH OUR COURT" and you can submit three suggestions to me and I'll then be happy to pick one of them.....blah blah.....

The "minutes" are not a "court transcript" - they do not capture word-for-word the brief exchange between the judge and counsel.

Judges like to have verbal quick exchanges of, "lets make it clear here what I want.... so we don't waste my time and the Court's time next go around", eh counselor.

And then the judge says, "hint hint, THIS is what I'd like to see and strongly suggest you bring this, in this format to me next time or else" ....that is how it "goes down" inside a real life court.....!

Dragon Lady

06/12/24 10:33 AM

#90709 RE: tdbowieknife #90707


Well - I KNEW that chatter-box pump the con Rosen-SCUM couldn't stay quiet......he's on X-Twitter this AM and coordinating a Stocktwit ALL POSITIVE HYPE THIS CRIMINAL FRAUD "crew" bullshit "Bullish" scam to bury factual critical commentary.......

LMAO - "Attorneys" PLURAL when the dick brain has ONE DIP SHIT "ATTORNEY" in L.A. who takes bottom rung dog shit no-cases for funny money and kicks.....

"We dunna gonna takes a differents approach to dis fraud..oops I means biz high jack....oops I mean legit shell steal...oops...I can't say dat shit cause I mights get my ass busted bros.....but we be still doin shit bros n chicks n dudes - BUT I don'ts tells ya all what dat be cause it all bes bullshit but yus all buys mores of dis even on da EXPERT MARKETS and ohs did I says I be da INTERIM CEO likes 20 times again....even thoughs I ain't shit and ain't no CEO of criminal frauds OPTI" blah blah blah he has NOTHING folks....nothing but lies n pumps n criminal fraud......

NOTHING is "On calendar" in the San Diego court - not a damn get "ON THE MOTION CALENDAR" would be a few months most likely......

That tells me Brett Rosen Hackpacher is GIVING UP in San Diego as he 100% "knows" the judge "knows" he's a hustler......

His AM X-Tweet dog droppings are his "Pivot" to saying "WE DUNNS GONNA TRIES ANOTHER COURT n SHIT" and blah blah....except he ain't got shit.....

My "bet" is he's going to try a custodial take-over hustle and I'll notify THE SEC of that within a micro-second of this ass hat fraud filing so much as a Post-It note in whatever state he tries that stunt....he will need to declare Pawson DEAD or MIA and that ain't true....thus Rosen-SCUM will once again be COMMITTING FRAUD before a court of law......

Stay tuned......Rosen is heading for indictment down the road kids.....:))