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06/07/24 7:36 PM

#478475 RE: B402 #478437

B402, Good position on global warming. That's one.

"My opinion on global warming is its real and man made....We've known that since the first earth day
50 years ago...And a big thank you to the repubs for decades of misinformation posted by paid experts

Disappointed you didn't make there, a more condemnation of the GOP for that.

And again you just throw out an assertion with no corroborating link.

" Never was there a major initiative to find the next generation battery or fusion energy... Cancelling out
nuclear instead of letting science find the safest way to use it....And, another pet peeve, is letting
industry go around the world where there are no pollution standards and keep corps polluting at will......

The first there, i mean. On the 2nd your GOP are the most friendly to the corps
guilty of your pet peeve. Your GOP are the party of environmental deregulation.

Yet you say you are again going to vote GOP. ow do you reconcile your positions.

Surely you understand why people here see you posting nonsense.
And some seeing you as just a bullshitter who really doesn't care.

The Nine Breakthroughs of the Year
4. Fusion: The Dream Gets a Little Closer

Inside the sun, atoms crash and merge in a process that produces heat and light, making life on this planet possible. Scientists have tried to harness this magic, known as fusion, to produce our own infinite, renewable, and clean energy. The problem: For the longest time, nobody could make it work.

The past 13 months, however, have seen not one but two historic fusion achievements. Last December, 192 lasers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in California, blasted a diamond encasing a small amount of frozen hydrogen and created—for less than 100 trillionths of a second—a reaction that produced about three megajoules of energy, or 1.5 times the energy from the lasers. In that moment, scientists said, they achieved the first lab-made fusion reaction to ever create more energy than it took to produce it. Seven months later, they did it again. In July, researchers at the same ignition facility nearly doubled .. fusion-nif.html" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer ugc" target="_blank"> .. . the net amount of energy ever generated by a fusion reaction. Start-ups are racing to keep up with the science labs. The new fusion companies Commonwealth Fusion Systems and Helion are trying to scale this technology.

Will fusion heat your home next year? Fat chance. Next decade? Cross your fingers. Within the lifetime of people reading this article? Conceivably.

[Insert: Ok! Haha That could be seen as a very optimistic
thought for the longevity of many reading the article. Thanks pal.]

I'd say your comment on fusion is even more uninformed on the question than mine.
Yet you bitch about it. Post a decent article in support of what you say.