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06/07/24 1:19 PM

#171749 RE: HokieHead #171747

Nobody reads his (HiLo) stuff anymore....he posts to himself now....LOL
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06/07/24 2:24 PM

#171752 RE: HokieHead #171747

Still around, banking elsewhere

But not here.

You are a loser, a liar and failed pumper.

You are partly directly responsible for spreading lies that caused many people to lose their investment here.

How'd the GVSI "merger" you pumped for three years turn out?

Where's the second candidate from the failed merger?

Where are the SEC/FINRA corporate action approvals you pumped and guaranteed would happen?

How does it feel to see your GVSI investment slowly bleed out?

I see that you don't post your bragging screen captures of your GVSI gains on this board anymore. Why is that?

Ive been averaging up, with no concerns at all, I bought for the merger. So prior $0.03, $0.05, $0.07 no concern for me. But stoked I was able to get more $0.01s and $0.02s recently.

Remember TSNP went from $0.015 to $0.24 in 10 sessions. Just saying.


And it's pathetic that for years all you (and other pumpers) can do is hold on to the hopium of GVSI repeating a pump and dump like TSNP/HMBL that has nothing to do with GVSI.

see I’m not a flipper, been holding since .003 and average still under .006

So your average is higher now since you bragged that you bought large blocks at .0119 somewhat recently.

I can sense your panic setting in. That's why you returned to this board after saying you were "done" with this site twice.

And nobody who posts 13,917 times on the GVSI board (it's easy to see this is your largest holding by far given the amount of time you dedicate posting here) unless you are in way over your head.

And since I was right about GVSI going under a penny four times already - even when GVSI's was at its height in expert market, here's my new prediction for you - GVSI will sink to .005 soon and will continue to drop in price after that.

How's your CS*UI investment doing? I see you bought at the height in August of last year.


Some self-proclaimed master trader who disparages other people's trading decisions.

Your petty lying revenge bashing on the SFLM board (which nobody took seriously) was only done because of my exposing the SEC/FINRA disaster that GVSI has become.

Let's review a few uncomfortable CURRENT facts about GVSI:

• FINRA is "concerned" (I'm sure it's more than concerned) about the six years of missing audited financials and previous management's "acts."
• SEC/FINRA approval of name/ticker change that's taking much longer than average (it's been close to a year now for something that FINRA states in its documentation only takes 3 - 4 weeks) - signaling that something went terribly wrong with the SEC/FINRA.
• SEC restriction on corporate actions such as a name/ticker name change and a reverse merger.
• 5 years of SEC/FINRA audited financials delinquent (from 2008 - 2013) *before* filing its Form 15.
• Non SEC registered.
• Non SEC reporting.
• Non audited financials.
• Sharp abandoning getting GVSI audited.
• In continued violation of FINRA Rule 6490.
• FINRA Notice of Deficiency.
• SEC Rule15c2-11 warning.
• Price that has plummeted.
• Accumulation that has plummeted.
• Bloated share structure of 7 billion AS and 2.1 billion OS.
• No reverse merger anticipated and not even a candidate search has begun according to the most recent financials.
• A supposed recent "merger" failure (that wasn't really a merger).
• Sharp dumped his 20 million GVSI common shares and then lied by saying he was never issued the shares.
• A CEO who has repetitively lied and is abrasive, uncaring about shareholders and occupied with other priorities like racing his ponies and attacking other stocks.

What a glowing review from Sharp...full of regret...and in retrospect he would never had done it. Seems like even Sharp thinks GVSI is a disaster.

Sharp already said he can't produce what FINRA/SEC is specifically asking for in its Notice of Deficiency - AUDITED financials from 2008 - 2013 to conform with FINRA Rule 6490 which GVSI has and is continuing to violate. And Sharp already said he ABANDONED getting GVSI audited and SEC registered and reporting.

What Sharp says he plans to do in 2025 should be believed about as much as Sharp's tweets saying he would get GVSI SEC registered and reporting, that he would refile GVSI's SEC Form 10 registration statement three Decembers ago and never did, saying that WNFT had reached the "promised land" and would have a "business plan over the next several weeks which will include an acquisition(s)" that never materialized in September two years ago and saying he would not reverse split GRDO then did just that.

Mind you that Sharp again said in the above tweet that he would NEVER reverse split any stock he's involved with AFTER he did just that for GRDO - is that being honest?

And Sharp has already said he ABANDONED getting GVSI SEC registered and reporting.

What a glowing review from Sharp...full of regret...and in retrospect he would never had done it. Seems like even Sharp thinks GVSI is a disaster.

Sharp already said he can't produce what FINRA/SEC is specifically asking for in its Notice of Deficiency - AUDITED financials to conform with FINRA Rule 6490 which GVSI has and is continuing to violate.

The "we can move forward with discussions with our target merger candidate" tweet from his personal twitter account should be believed about as much as his tweets saying he would get GVSI SEC registered and reporting, that he would refile GVSI's SEC Form 10 registration statement and never did, saying that WNFT had reached the "promised land" and would have a "business plan over the next several weeks which will include an acquisition(s)." that never materialized in September of last year and saying he would not reverse split GRDO then did just that.

Mind you that Sharp again said in the above tweet that he would NEVER reverse split a stock AFTER he did just that for GRDO.

It must suck having three years of your pumping discredited with two small paragraphs from the most recent GVSI quarterly report.

We have incurred nominal operations since custodianship and will actively search for suitable merger candidates to assist in the sustaining of operations.

So no merger candidate to speak of.

And Sharp hasn't even started looking for a merger candidate since it says that the company "will actively search." Which means in the future.

Again, straight from the most recent GVSI quarterly report:

List any stock split, stock dividend, recapitalization, merger, acquisition, spin-off, or reorganization either currently anticipated or that occurred within the past 12 months:


There it is straight from the most recent GVSI quarterly report signed by Sharp - there is no anticipated merger for GVSI.

But bragging, lying, misdirecting, stalking, harrassing, revenge bashing and doctoring company and court documents has been your MO for three years now.

Poetic justice exists.
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Lime Time

06/07/24 2:28 PM

#171753 RE: HokieHead #171747

Hey great to hear Hokie!!! 😃

This will come back bigtime and a lot more than we have ever seen.
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06/07/24 11:07 PM

#171769 RE: HokieHead #171747 did you & partner Normie pump this gvsi for 2.5 yrs everyday 24/7/365 30 +posts and only get this to 0.028 how ???

That's a colossal fail...and what did you and Normie hold hands and travel the world since February, you2 skipped outta town in Normies 1988 Winnibago Rv with bags of Loot from your big win 0.0003 to 0.028 at the same time with kieferpb80 & lany meyers...

Let me guess you went back to pumping school and learned some new tricks for the next wave or on WNF^ T or SRN^W...RIGHT...RIGHT...


Hey the Chinese scam Ig^^ pk & r^^ onn needs you and Normie pumpertactics maybe you can show your new pumpermatics tricks there...
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06/08/24 3:26 PM

#171786 RE: HokieHead #171747

Let's review just a small fraction of the drivel that you've posted through the years.

Just added more, a little over a million at $0.01. I’ll take it!


52 week high of $0.0324 will go soon enough.


Bears said there wasn’t even going to be a merger 😂. Only a few things they are left with, the final being whatever merger is announced it’s a fail.

The "merger" was a well-documented and epic abject failure...after you lied about the merger prospects and pumped it for three years.

What's the GVSI Historical Summary that you smugly posted now?

But you all know the risks of bashing penny stocks and not getting in the legit ones and selling at .008.

Legit??? LOL!!!

GVSI is SEC delinquent with a SEC restriction on its corporate actions, a FINRA Notice of Deficiency, in violation of FINRA Rule 6490 and just had an epic merger failure.

And whoever sold at .008 was fortunate looking at the price today.

I thought the merger wasn’t coming for months and months? What happened?


Yawn. I thought a merger wasn’t even going to happen. You clowns are running out of stories, only the dumb ones left.


He clearly has no concept of having a real investment account or knowing how to make money. These returns, for starters, is just terrible. Lmfao, and unfortunately can’t be refuted.

How's that GVSI Historical Summary doing now?

I appreciate all the shares I was able to add in the low and mid 1s. Tucked away for a loooong time…

Still aporeciative for those low and mid 1s?


The whole bashing clan got it wrong the whole time.

Who got it wrong? That would be you. 100% WRONG!

Your pumped merger failed miserably and now GVSI is at .002 with no future prospects because of all of its SEC/FINRA problems.

Yeah, sucks you were wrong the whole time I bet

Again, who was wrong the whole time? That would be you.

Where’s the blood day?

The day the merger you relentlessly pumped for three years failed - March 14, add to pink limited day and pink current day.


Lmfao, once name/ticker change update hits you’ll be gone like a fart in the wind.

Still waiting for those corporate actions approvals that will never come because of GVSI's irreversible SEC delinquency.

And you're the one who was gone like a fart in the wind...hypocrite.

What’s funnier is watching them try and keep it one tick red.

What's funnier is watching you lose you ass in this investment. Now that's hilarious.

Lmfao. I thought this was going to dump back to a penny?

Helloooo?! It did. It's at .002

What a hoot!

Who’s clueless?

You are.

Some bashers are so far behind the times 😂.

The bashers were right and you have been proven 100% WRONG!

Absolutely awesome! 2024 gonna rock!!

How's 2024 treating your GVSI investment? Still awsome? LOL!!!

Here are the returns:

1 week: $6K, 1 month: $8K, 3 months: $11K, 6 months: $8K, 1 year: $0K, Sharp tweet: $54K, 3 years: $47K, 5 years: $191K

How are those returns doing now? LOL!!!

How's that GVSI Historical Summary doing now? LOL!!!

Dead money? Refute this! Lmfao!!!

It's been refuted.

What’s this mean? Lmfao!!!

That GVSI tanked from those levels after the failed merger.

I’ll take my chances, will fair better than crashing toxic spaceship tickers screaming “dollars” as it crashed to pennys.


How did taking that chance work out?

Sounds just like GVSI except GVSI crashed to .001 and settled at .002, so the stock you made fun of didn't do as badly as GVSI.

The smart bashers left, we only have the clueless dumb ones left. 

...who were right all along and you were WRONG, yet you're calling the ones who got this 100% right "clueless" and "dumb?" Look at the mirror you hypocrite!

Just terrible to be a shareholder

You said it. One of the few true statements you've ever posted.

While you been bashing I’ve been loading.

And how did that work out for you?

So now GVSI just has to file 2 years of recent audited financials which then makes them reinstated as an SEC reporter and in good standing.

First of all that's not true since GVSI would still be in violation of FINRA Rule 6490 because of the missing financials from 2008 - 2013.

And Sharp has been custodian/CEO for three years and he has not filed one single audited financial statement.

Why is that? Answer: Sharp can't audit GVSI's books - ever! That's because GVSI has five years of audited financials missing from 2008 -:2013 and Sharp already said he abandoned auditing GVSI.

HAHAHAA!!! Looks like the “significant” incoming merger loves the share structure.

How's that merger candisate liking the share structure now?

I thought this was going under .007? Lmfao…

It's at .002 you dolt.

Beasting mode, and the best days are still ahead. See you back at old highs soon enough.

How are those "best days" working out for you?

Where are these "old highs" you speak of?

Watch big money with merger take all these shares sub $0.05 for starters. Acquisition getting friends and family in now before announcements

Your friends and family must hate your investment advice right about now. I see defrauding your family and friends is another one of your talents.

awesome news for anyone who holds shares, merging company loves the ticker

Then why did they bail making the merger a complete failure after three yeRs of your lying pumps?

Lmfao! Bashers lost. See ya at new highs in January 2024.

Still waiting for those "new highs." LOL!!!

The “significant” acquisition loves the liquidity here, that’s huge. Will be an SEC reporter again near term, name/ticker change to follow (with SEC filers it happens right away, not weeks) then merger.

Again, then why did they bail on the merger?

Still waiting for those SEC corporate actions approval you promised everyone five months ago.

Still waiting for the Form 10 approval to get GVSI reporting again. Oh, wait, GVSI can't do that because it's delinquent with the SEC (which you repeatedly said was a lie) and Sharp abandoned auditing the books.

A “significant” acquisition. Good times ahead in January 2024.

Again, still waiting.

Looks like it’s heading the opposite direction from .005.

How can so.ebody be so wrong so often.

Keep watching and being confused while my shares continue to make me $.


Just sucks to be me.

You said it. It sure does.

And this was just one month of your posting drivel. You've been here spreading your bullshit for three years and have been proven wrong at every turn.

Your posts on this board are one long stream of pumping, lying and manipulative bullshit.

I also like how you went through your X posts and deleted all the incriminating ones - you fraud!

I'm sure you wish you could do that here but you can't.

And I'l be posting this again and again.

Cheers to your losses!
