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06/05/24 5:27 PM

#113433 RE: valuemind #113431

Value- NVDA

I remember in early 2000, when there were lines of people at every brokerage to put their money in tech, and especially Semi stocks. The internet was the biggest thing since the steam engine. By November 2000, the nasdaq was down 60% from it's highs, and the average semi stock the same. The average semi stock went down 90% by mid 2002, including AMD. Now AI is the biggest thing since the steam engine, and just like the internet, AI is a new technology that everyone is going balistic over, and stocks, and related stocks will be chased to the moon. Bottom line is, no matter how you kick it, semi conductors are commodities, and highly cyclical. They go up to the moon, and then crash to the ground. I don't think this AI cylce will be any different. This is why Warren Buffet never played tech for long term investing. He loved AAPL, but only because of growth in service revenues. I believe NVDA could become the largest market cap in the world within a month, but I would bet a tidy sum, that MSFT & GOOG will have much higher market caps then NVDA in a year or two.