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06/05/24 12:48 PM

#138578 RE: Louinjaxxx #138576

Re: Next leg?

Mr. Peeteman,
What issues I sent yesterday have less to do with what you call 'bashing' and more to do with an honest rendition based on observable facts of this ticker's past 7 years of fictional pledges of progress to shareholders, made by a casual observer. I see that you probably didn't read it, nor did Louinjxxx, because if you did, you did not cognize -- or even mention -- any of the 7 points mentioned. Why do I know that?

You refuted none of them.

Let's start with the beginning, shall we, the first line
"Whenever this company relates something hopeful to shareholders, you can d@mn well be sure the opposite is true." That sentence, to anyone who has been here any length of time would be acknowledged as verifiably, painfully true. It sums up everything that we have experienced here. That includes every shareholder. The rest of the text delineates step-by-painful-step for your reading pleasure and erudition of all the instances where AXXA deliberately misled investors with nonsensical, almost impossible promises that didn't have a hope in hell of being accomplished during our lifetimes...all in the hope of goosing the stock or distracting/denying their failure as businessmen. The proof? What happened yesterday was concrete, case in point proof enough. The happy tweet about the indication about the interest in the possibility of selling an asset was merely a subterfuge, launched as a distraction for the catastrophic burying of the stock under 61 million shares -- an avalanche-- of dilution dumped in 16 trading hours. AXXA tried to distract you with happy news about a sale of an asset (which won't happen given their performance with all their past pledges) any time soon -- shaking your hand while pe-@-eing on your leg. That is AXXA's modus operandi. That is what they habitually do. Engineering a distraction for shareholders during dilution. That is the instinctive, intrinsic essence of AXXA.

Tell me of an instance -- 1 instance, of all those 7 listed -- where this is incorrect? It is easy for me to substantiate the AXXA nonperformance that I claimed tbecause none of their claims have happened. Nothing. And it won't happen. Is that clear? They have no intention of executing on anything, especially if it costs them. Not only that, but that the ticker's claim to be reducing debt was immediately refuted by the gigantic dump yesterday while I was writing, doubling down with more borrowing and issuances, debt that will only make the situation irreparably worse. And why have they done that? Because that is what pays their salaries, their rent, that is their chief source income, that is how they pay bills, not the rents from their properties, not the royalties of their subsidiaries, not the 'revenues,' not the 'earnings.' Those are what has now become clear to almost everyone with a cerebellum are a phantasm. In plain english - a falsehood. In coarser english, a lie.

You can't refute it. How do I know? Because you didn't. Because instead of contradicting or even commenting on the conclusions I drew, you went immediately into the ad hominem attack route. We call that 'shooting the messenger.' When you don't like the message you shoot the messenger. Real schoolyard stuff. However, let's remember the message wasn't about me or how many millions of shares I hold or whether I sold (haven't) or whether I would consider buying (probably wouldn't). None of that is relevant. My holdings of this over the past 8 years aren't a factor here. Nor am I for that matter. I am not the issue. Let me tell you something young man (assuming you're that based on name and lack of sophistication), something that you dearly need to know, and that is that the way to critique something in the way a real man does:
objectively, using:
2.)reason and
3.)responsibility. Try it.
Objectivity. Facing the hard facts. Apply reasoning to it, then assess responsibility. Not subjectively, like a woman does, based on like, dislike, feelings, mood or cheap emotion. Not catty, personal attacks. That's for girls.
Look, It's not whether I love AXXA, like AXXA, dislike AXXA, neutral to AXXA, don't care about AXXA or find myself disappointed with AXXA. It's none of that. It pertains more to an unbiased view of this company's feckless, helpless, oblivious behavior in the face of challenges that AXXA really could address or do something productive about to rectify this tailspin they find themselves in..
It has nothing to do with me. Only with the proven, deliberate, cynical deception by this ticker foisted on all of us, the shareholders, in the hope we will continue to buy their shares based on the meretricious, preposterous unfounded promises they throw their shareholders like business cards given out at at a business convention in the hope that we'll just lap it up.

If the company makes foolhardy decisions, acknowledges none of them, falsifies its revenue and earnings, pays for them with stupid, horrific borrowing from lowlife toxic lenders on the backs of common shareholders, forces shareholders to bankroll those disastrous borrowings, then resumes borrowing again, tries repeatedly to say how successful they are in the teeth of all overwhelming evidence showing that they are not successful, --- all that should be a cause for any shareholders to pause, myself included. It should concern you as well.
With a stock price at 6-7 yr lows, the ticker struggling under crushing $52MM and growing of CD debt (some of it deceitfully disguised as preferred at 500-1 conversion ratios), AXXA has over 7 outstanding pledges to shareholders (from share buybacks, possible dividends, to 4 spinoffs, debt reduction, audits, Reg/A, asset auctions, streamlings, a proposed shareholder convention, etc, disruptive technology, fintech,' 12 dumb pending LOI's, or ridiculous shareholder 'vouchers.' In a frantic move to keep the barbarians at bay, they are clearly out of bullets. Thus, the newly conjured potential sale of an 'asset' offered to shareholders. Really hopeless. Man, if you think any of this nonsense is going to help turn this stock around, I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
AXXA past treatment of shareholder:


If you have proof of otherwise, please furnish. But hold off on the little girl stuff, OK?
Like, 'Wull, er, why doncha sell?' or 'You're just bitter, dats all.' 'Wull, er, uh, why are you here den?' or 'Yur jis bashing..', 'Yer jis mad 'cuz you lost munny.' 'Yu jus don't like ar AXXA, right?'
Jeesus. You guys are just like little kids in the school cafeteria from the sound of it. It ain't none of that. Rather, it's an honest, perceptive, objective review of the facts from someone who has been with this company since you guys were in diapers, for more years than I'd like to admit and matching those observations of the company's pledges and professed business filings and writings against its medicrity, its lack of success in any undertaking, its pitiful performance, its embarrassing stock price, which has come up seriously wanting. Objectivity, son. Nothing less.

Well, I'm guessing you got tired reading this. Especially your lips. But do me a big favor and point out the errors in the above discussion. I enjoy other viewpoints. But not in my virtue as a patient shareholder.
AXXA future trajectory plotted