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06/03/24 3:08 AM

#130468 RE: InvestorinAZ #130467

Amusing that you don't see the ridiculessness of what you're saying...
Such as......
"would be nice if... ...."
Of course you're free to post whatever you want whenever you want....... one has ever forced you to read anything you don't want to hear. Pretty simple, that. And if you can't control yourself in that regard, then they conveniently provide you with a blocking button......
THEREFORE.......what you're saying is not only silly very but ironically, is the very WHINING you spoke of, lol.

I have shared many "updates" as well as facts and opinions, many of which were neutral, thus obviously, you choose to have "selective hearing/reading".

If you think a stock msg board is a place for cheerleaders and pollyanna, it isn't, but you are perfectly free to use it in that manner. Nothing stopping you, you just have a need to bitch about those who don't have the same outlook or sentiment as you. That happens to be a negative attribute. You don't hear me complaining about your opinions, do you? No, you don't, because I believe in tolerance and respect for all posters views. So, you are guilty of exactly what you accuse me of, in principal. Why in the world would you waste your time complaining about stuff that you could easily block if your not interested in alternate opiions and ideas.

Also, I am NOT negative, as you say....i happen to be as POSITIVE about my views on this company as you are about your views.

These are self evident truths which I don't expect you to see or get. Ppl have fought and died for you and me to have the right to freedom of speech, expression and opinion. My observations about this company have been well thought out, scrutinized, dot connected and critically thought and presented here soberly. No one ever twisted your arm and forced you to read anything. Personally, I celebrate yours and everyone else's freedom and ability to express what they think and belive.

"Too bad there are folks on this Board who view it as a place for venting and opining..."

What a crummy, myopic, selfish thing to say. 1st of all, you're mistaking enthusiastic opinions for "venting". Duh. Your enthusiastic pro opinions are also venting. What you really mean is pro venting is ok but negative view venting is not. That, no doubt you can't see, happens to very hypocritical. And you also just called "opining" a bad thing as well, which is an ignorant view. What you meant to say is its too bad if anyone chooses to opine opposite of your view or simply against the company. It's NOT TOO BAD that there, are those here who happen to see this play in a negative light... Its a GOOD thing to be alive, well and expressing WHATEVER one's honest opinions happen to be. It is you, who are being negative, not I.

It would be clearly stupid for me to support that which I have delineated so many things in the perjoritive about this company's player's. And just as, dumb, would be to keep my mouth shut. I have been involved with stocks that had 50x more support than Vplm and for many yrs and also had the vast majority posting pro despite the best information to the contrary, that was served up on a daily basis. In the end, after decades, the SEC shut it down and there were fines and bans, etc. The ppl who had been giving the info about the negative aspects of the company (mostly about the well loved, long term ceo) were ridiculed and put down and hated just like you are prone to, even tho the source of the info was high level inside info (legal inside info).

"you can say what you want.... opine and whine away... but if you OWN the stock, it just doesn't make sense to bash the stock you OWN."

What doesn't make sense, is that very statement. I DO still own stock and my posted info and opinions and theories make perfect sense to me. By saying that, you seem to suggest I have some hidden agenda such as shorting or paid bashing or I don't know what... Its pretty damn simple that I post what I post because it's what I believe and that what msg boards are for, NOT for cheerleading. And any minute effect I might have (very doubtful) on the pps is certainly not hurting me. I wised up about this scheme long ago and began daytrading and made out very well and then vowed to buy never again and still have stock which I deemed I want 50 cents or nothing to sell it. None of that in any way means I shouldn't post what I believe to be wrong with this company, and which you cannot prove me wrong about anything ive said. I have provided tons of documentations.

"I suggest you find another way to get that stuff out of your system and leave the rest of us to update and encourage each other."

How utterly condescending and elitist that is. Maybe that's what you should do if you can't control your reading choices, inability to use the iggy button...

"and finally we won't have to listen to your negativity any longer."

Of course, you don't have to listen it now, previously or in the future. You simply need to be negative.