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05/26/24 10:19 PM

#476058 RE: Homebrew #476028

Thh GOP, and the American Libertarians who voted McCardle in as chairman. "GOP = Goons Of Putin"

[...]McArdle also spoke at the Rage Against the War Machine Rally, co hosted with the People’s Party, where she called
on a cut to all aid to Ukraine, and for Ukraine to surrender all Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine.[18]

And see

Trump/McConnell/Republicans have done a Putin-like job on your SCOTUS. Their lifetime terms makes it difficult
to undo. Not much you can do about it except get enough control of Congress to reform the f*ed-up situation.
The Court’s Republican majority isn’t simply handing down bold conservative policy decrees, it is undermining democracy itself.

Indeed, the GOP owes its control of the Court to an anti-democratic system that effectively gives extra votes to Republicans. Only three justices in American history were appointed by a president who lost the popular vote, and confirmed by a block of senators who represent less than half of the country. All three were appointed by Donald Trump, and all three sit on the Court right now.

Neither Congress nor President Joe Biden, however, are powerless against an anti-democratic Supreme Court. The elected branches have broad powers to rein in a rogue judiciary, or to limit the scope of at least some of the Court’s decisions. The greatest of these powers is court-packing .. — adding additional seats to the Supreme Court to dilute the votes of Trump justices who lack democratic legitimacy.

realistically, Democrats lack the votes to push that or other meaningful Supreme Court reform through Congress right now. Such a proposal would require changing or abolishing the filibuster, as it’s nigh impossible to imagine 10 Republican senators voting to diminish the power of an institution controlled by Republicans. And at least two members of the Senate’s narrow Democratic majority oppose filibuster reform .. .

But just because court reform isn’t currently politically viable doesn’t mean it’s not worth considering, especially if Democrats somehow manage to pick up larger majorities in a future Congress. There are several options to deal with an increasingly partisan Supreme Court. Here are 10 of them.