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05/22/24 6:26 PM

#69031 RE: Lime Time #69029

Now that is funny - at least I am too smart to invest in OTC scams.

You seem to believe that there is some valor about being on the Expert Market. When in fact it is a badge of shame.

And your argument about the Expert Market is juvenile at best.

"An Alt Reporting Company can drop to Expert Market and tier change to Pink Current and repeat the cycle indefinitely. It's a timely process, but it definitely affects the price."

Sorry I am not impressed with being pink current - if a company doesn't report to the SEC it is a guaranteed scam.

Show me a company that continously goes between EM and a Pinky.

Going between EM and Pinky you will have a company in trips.

I know exactly why the Expert Market was created - because the OTCM is a public for profit PR company and when the SEC changed the rules for 15c2-11 - initially about 3000 OTC companies would have been removed so the OTCM petitioned the SEC to create the Expert Market so the OTCM could still collect the fees.

I know much more about securities law than you do and the scenario you suggested is complete nonsense.

Why would Sharp file a Form 15 to deregister the stock - then through his incompetence allowed WNFT to go to the Expert Market - he is creating expenses not saving money.

I believe you are they only person trying to spin going to the Expert Market is a good idea.

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05/22/24 6:42 PM

#69032 RE: Lime Time #69029

For your edification - "Companies moved to the Expert Market from another OTC Markets tier can apply to relist on the OTC Pink or other OTC Markets tier by becoming an SEC reporting company, submitting a new Form 211, and meeting OTC Markets requirements for the particular tier."

So Sharp will have to file another Form 10 - since Sharp hasn't filed a 15c on the 3 hijacked shells - Brenda calls it a 211 - which is 15c2-11. So what do your believe is what the great advantage of going to the Expert Market?

Currently there are 3,336 securities on the Expert Market, the vast majority related to their failure to meet the requirements of Rule 15c2-11. Of this large group 2,495 are domestic and 841 are international. A large tranche of the domestic issuers have gone dark, are defunct or represent orphaned securities. 689 of the domestic securities are SEC registrants out of compliance with their reporting obligations.

Companies on the Expert Market provide the lowest level of disclosure compared to other OTC Market tiers. As a result, trading is limited to only eligible investors who meet the “qualified expert” criteria and not for retail investors.

Can you sell on expert market?

Quotes of securities in the Expert Market are “Unsolicited Only,” which means that trades of securities subject to unsolicited quotation in the Expert Market are only available to broker-dealers, institutions and other sophisticated investors, and not average investors.

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05/28/24 6:01 PM

#69051 RE: Lime Time #69029

Still a loser. Nothing new here .