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Lone Clone

05/22/24 4:21 PM

#35728 RE: Bobwins #35727

I have had a position in MTA since they bought out Nova Royalty, in which I had shares. I was impressed enough by the combined portfolio that I held through the transaction.

There is another way to profit from holding MTA. Smaller royalty companies like MTA generally either have to bulk up by eating smaller competitors or get taken over themselves. I am not sure MTA will last long enough for their investments to bear full fruit, so I hope any takeover bid is at a good premium.

And if you want to take advantage of the silver bull, think about IPT. Impact Silver is not particularly well-run but it is very geared to price of silver. I added to my core holding before it took off, and if I manage to sell the recently acquired shares for a dollar apiece, which is possible if silver really runs, I will be down to free shares and looking for the chance to reload when the next silver bull arrives, as it inevitably will.