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05/19/24 8:47 PM

#475195 RE: B402 #475189

Good luck trying to sell that bullshit. Looking forward to record numbers voting this November, hands down, President Biden.


05/19/24 9:03 PM

#475201 RE: B402 #475189

Straw man argument.

Nobody is disallowing opinions but rather challenging opinions that are based upon misinformation and filled with logical fallacies. Both of those failings are also challenged by good teachers from the age of reason onwards.

nationalism, bigotry, isolationism and the like aren't likely brought on by economic dislocation; they were lurking and needed only to be brought to the surface by a demagogue like Trump and by the likes of the GOP 'freedom caucus' in the House, preceded by the Tea Party responding to the Great Recession and the black secret Muslim president without a birth certificate.

That was the wide spread opinion of most Republicans, and I accorded it no respect whatsoever anymore than I accord it now to antivaxxers and election deniers. In other words some opinions are absolutely bat 💩 crazy and deserve to be called out as such without regard for the feelings of those who hold them.


05/19/24 9:11 PM

#475206 RE: B402 #475189

B402, Again you trap yourself .. "Dems lack of allowing different opinions to be precise" .. In that you claim Republicans allow different opinions more than Dems do. You have no evidence for that. And you are forgetting the most left of the Dems, which in itself makes your assertion rubbish.

Another good example there of why you should offer a link. I reckon if you tried to support your assertion with a link you wouldn't be able to find one, in which case you would be less likely to post it in the first place. Do yourself a favor, do it.

" We all know what the current democrats definition of populism is......nationalism, bigotry, isolationism and the like, but that's a needed definition when you fail understanding the economic one.....Then as I pointed out, you have someone like trump to take advantage of the situation as has happened throughout history....
P - I don't think that disagreeing with you is divisive as you have said before, but I think labeling 1/2 the country with those terms are when economic reasons are at the core........

You are saying now that Dems label half the population as you said above. I don't see that as true. Your words are used to describe Trump politics which is wholly fair because they are accurate.

Then as you pointed out? You would be better served by phrasing it more like "Then as so many have pointed out..." just because so many others have pointed it out before you. You really should understand by now what it is about you that so many here get pissed at. You, like Trump, take credit for stuff you don't deserve credit for. You could give the credit to others and say you agree with them. That would be a more accurate presentation of the big picture.

You are right about the disagreeing bit, it's just the way you do it.

And i don't see the Dems labeling half the country with those terms either. And you better believe they are well aware that economic reasons are part of their popularity problem. On that note you should also be aware that we are all aware that you yourself have blamed the dems for inflation while ignoring all else involved. More than just a few times.


05/19/24 9:32 PM

#475211 RE: B402 #475189

but I think labeling 1/2 the country with those terms are when economic reasons are at the core........

How do you like this poll? LOL

In the poll from Emerson College and WOWK 13 News, 89.1% are registered with the Republican party, 2.6% are Democrat and 8.2% are independent or other.

I love this one. With WV among the most unhealthy, poorest, least educated , drug addicted, and obese states.....this is what you geniuses REALLY, REALLY care about. You're never going to climb out of the hole you've dug for yourself when pollsters only talk to you MAGAts.


05/20/24 7:43 AM

#475242 RE: B402 #475189

the current democrats definition of populism is......nationalism, bigotry, isolationism and the like, but that's a needed definition when you fail understanding the economic one.....

Please explain your solutions to the "economic one" as you say, MAGAt?

Because it sure sounds like electing a nationalist, bigoted, isolationist is exactly what you're proposing.

Also you forgot "authoritarianism and demagoguery" in the list.