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05/19/24 7:58 AM

#9878 RE: MusicExec #9877

Just seen this from the OTC 1k filing :

Risk Factor: The Company may not recuperate all the debts that it is owed.

If the company is unable to successfully recover a significant portion of the outstanding amounts owed to it, a revision of the financial statements might be necessary. Such a situation implies that the expected cash flows, previously recognized as receivables, may not materialize, leading to a reassessment of the company’s financial position. The potential inability to collect on these receivables may necessitate writing off these amounts as bad debts, directly affecting the company’s net income and potentially altering stakeholder perceptions of the company’s profitability and financial stability.

Had this been disclosed to the auditor at the time of their audit of the financial statements surely this would have resulted in a going concern qualification on their audit report dated Feb, 22 2024 ?
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Dragon Lady

05/19/24 8:33 AM

#9879 RE: MusicExec #9877


Musicexec - just an FYI regarding filings. SONG is a "SEC FILER" where as many (probably 90% or more) of these stinky pinky OTC trading POS scams are "usually" what's known as "Alternative filers" and they merely file a literal MS WORD document to nowhere and no one but the OTC MARKET site.

I just grabbed the 1-K filing off the OTC link as I had that page open and it was quick.

BUT the "official" repository for ALL SEC FILINGS for any SEC filer company - is always the SEC EDGAR database aka US gov maintained, etc.

That is the link to any and all "official filings" and also is where those filings "officially get uploaded" for ticker $SONG, this here bad train wreck with a massive crash n burn plane disaster wrapped around it.

When I get a few minutes in a little while - I "think" I can probably answer your other questions.

Just "at a glance" reading your post - first place to "understand" the $12,000,000 bullshit as to Lil Jake and his "self issued salary" aka $12 mil annually - he issued to HIMSELF as a "DEBT NOTE OWED IN SHARES OF STOCK, AS MANY SHARES AS NEEDED AND NO LIMIT TO THOSE SHARES" blah blah blah blah paraphrasing.

It's all a hustle - and thus the variable share count issue I "think" is what you were asking about. AND if I'm not mistaken he has that scam "salary" accruing interest OWED TO HIMSELF LOL !!!

These are ALL hallmarks of penny gutter total scams - as gutter as the $1 BILLION in pure vapor-ware and not worth the paper its printed on SCAM "REVENUES" - the Fugazi-a-SCAM INC aka this POS $SONG !!!

Will post some things later - but keep the SEC EDGAR link for anytime you need it - that's the best place to always go for actual, most recent, 100% "true and bona fide" SEC filings, for ANY "SEC LISTED" company.

You can search SEC EDGAR by company name (Example: Apple, or Microsoft etc) and get all their filings - exactly as uploaded to the SEC EDGAR repository :))