@grandslam... There's nothing to talk about. Speculating about a company that says nothing to its shareholders and seems to do nothing but execute quarterly financing agreements to stay afloat is exhausting and, ultimately, pointless. I've never seen anything like this. Complete silence from a CEO??? The guy has never said a word, never addressed the shareholders. The clinical trials??? What clinical trials? They never started, as far as anyone knows. What does this company even do? Is it a front for something? Some sort of weird tax write-off? Why are they bothering to pay people? Is there any plan? Any strategy? Nobody knows. And I'm tried of thinking about it. It would be nice to recover my investment someday, but at this point I don't see how that could be possible. As I've said recently, this company should rename itself Seinfeld, Inc. -- because, as far as anyone can tell, it's about nothing. It's certainly not about shareholder value, which remains at... let me check... right... zero.